April 25th is National Dna, National East Meets West, National Hug A Plumber, National Telephone, National Zucchini Bread and more!

National Dna Day

People from around the world celebrate National DNA Day on April 25th. In a short letter published in Nature, James Watson and Francis Crick officially announced their discovery of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) on this day in 1953. In a short letter published in the science journal Nature, James Watson and Francis Crick officially announced their discovery of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

National East Meets West Day

On April 25th, the Eastern Front of the Allied forces met the Western front on the River Elbe on the Western front. The Allied Front of the Allied forces met the Western front on the River Elbe on the Western front. This day, also known as Elbe Day, marked a significant step toward ending World War II.

National Hug A Plumber Day

On April 25th, the National Hug A Plumber Day honors those who come to our rescue when pipes leak or drains are blocked.

National Telephone Day

We observe National Telephone Day on April 25th. Around the world, there are 9.82 billion cell phones. And although some expected the landline to be obsolete by 2020, there are still 931 million landlines around the world. And although some predict the landline will be obsolete by 2020, others predict the landline will be obsolete by 2020.

National Zucchini Bread Day

National Zucchini Bread Day is a celebration held each year on April 25th each year. Bakers are encouraged to bake this delectable bread each year.

Parental Alienation Day


World Malaria Day

President George W. Bush scheduled Malaria Awareness Day on April 25 in 2007. President Bush urged Americans to join in on the fight against malaria on the African continent in his proclamation. President Bush declared Malaria Awareness Day on April 25, 2006, a day when we concentrate our attention on those who suffer from this deadly disease, especially the millions on Africa's continent. Millions more people died as a result of this completely preventable and treatable disease. We are encouraged to spread the word of malaria as a compassionate world, and we're encouraged to take action. That's what compassionate people do. They act when they see a problem. We're here to talk about, and that's what we're here to talk about. We renew our pledge to lead the world toward an urgent challenge, and that is to turn the tide against malaria in Africa and around the world on this special day. President Bush also announced the White House's long-term malaria policy with the public, which was also shared with the public by President Bush. With the New York-based nonprofit group Malaria No More, two new ventures in Uganda and Madagascar were able to distribute millions of life saving bed nets. (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia). (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia).

World Penguin Day

On April 25th, the world watched a global event on April 25th, World Penguin Day honors one of the world's most unusual birds. There are 18 species of penguins, and all of their natural habitats are in the Southern hemisphere.