August 26th is National Cherry Popsicle, National Dog, National Got Checked, National Webmistress, National Women’s Equality and more!

National Cherry Popsicle Day

Popsicle enthusiasts around the United States celebrate National Cherry Popsicle Day each summer on the 26th of August.

National Dog Day

NATIONAL DOG DAY is August 26th. NATIONAL DOG DAY is August 26.

National Got Checked Day

On August 26th, National Got Checked Day initiates a call to action, giving a friendly reminder and asking a simple question, got checked? YES! Be inspired as you answer, YES! Be inspired.

National Webmistress Day

On August 26th, National WebMistress Day honors women in web design..

National Women’s Equality Day

On this day in 1920, the United States Congress passed the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, guaranteeing women full and equal voting rights. National Women's Equality Day is held every year on August 26. We celebrate this right every year on August 26.