Autistics Speaking Day
We all look at the world in our own unique ways. However, people with autism have a different outlook on life than those with us. They live in often new ways. Communication is perhaps one of the most important ways we all connect to and understand the world. Perhaps one of the most common ways we all connect to and understand the world is through communication. Autistic People on November 1 is a national Autistic Society conference that promotes autistic people to share their stories in whatever way suits them. Everyone else is encouraged to listen, read, and comprehend their stories from their point of view.
Autistic people will flood the internet with their challenges and their celebrations, their passions, and their dislikes on November 1, among other things. In several languages, they will discuss their rights and advocacy. Some may be able to discuss art, some with poetry, or memes. They may also be speaking through podcasts. Their words and stories may be difficult to hear, but they will be speaking. They will be blogging about themselves, but more importantly, they will be speaking out about themselves. And if you want to know, it will be a day for you to learn.
On a #autisticsspeakingday, there are #autisticsspeakingday on the internet
Join the movement if you're autistic. Share your stories for friends and family members to hear. Reach out on the internet and connect with others speaking on November 1st. Take the opportunity to voice your thoughts, feelings, fears, and aspirations.. #AustisticspeakingDay is a hashtag that people use to help others find your story.
Autistics speaking out on a day in history
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network founded Autistics Speaking Day in 2010 as a way for autistic people to speak for themselves, advocate, share their experiences, and discuss autism in a constructive manner. Corina Becker's article in reaction to an October autism awareness campaign sparked the idea for Autistics Speaking Day. Both the day and the company were created by people with autism, emphasizing the importance of self-advocacy by those who live with autism every day. Anyone with autism, both diagnosed and undiagnosed, is welcome to attend the service. Their families and families are also affected by autism.