Cabernet Franc Day
This exquisite wine is on sale on December 4th in Bordeaux, France. Also known as Cab Franc Day, this is a day to learn more about this style of wine.
Cabernet Franc is often referred to as the father of another popular wine, Cabernet Sauvignon. This is because Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc forged together to produce Cabernet Sauvignon.. Cabernet Franc is usually used as a blending grape in Bordeaux. This black grape is often blended with Merlot, Petit Verdot, and Malbec. This black grape is also blended with Merlot, Petit Verdot, and Malbec.
However, lovers of this grape want to know that Cab Franc is so much more than a blending grape.. The grape makes a delectable medium-bodied red wine. It has a delectable taste and bell pepper-like appearance, as well as bell pepper-like. Raspberry, black cherry, raspberry, and chili pepper are among the wine's other popular flavors that can be used with the wine.
Cab franc pairings
This delectable black grape wine also goes well with a variety of dishes: This delectable black grape wine also goes well with a variety of dishes.
- Roasted pork, beef stew, turkey with cranberry or roasted lamb is one of the Meats – Roasted pork, beef stew, turkey with cranberry or roasted lamb
- Feta, goat cheese, and blue cheese are among the cheeses that have been featured on Feta, goat cheese, and blue cheese
- rs, fried eggplant, mushrooms, and spinach are among the vegetarian dishes on the menu
- Dishes seasoned with oregano, sage, red pepper flakes, and jalapeno are among the dishes seasoned with oregano, sage, red pepper flakes, and jalapeno
Bordo, Bouchy, Cabernet Franco, and Cabernet Fank are among Cabernet Franc's other names for Cabernet Franc. During the 1600s, the wine first became popular in France. It wasn't until 100 years ago that the grape was grown elsewhere that it was planted. Today, Cabernet Franc wine is produced in California, Washington, Washington, Chile, Argentina, South Africa, Italy, and New Zealand. Today, Cabernet Franc wine is produced in California, New York, Washington, Washington, Chile, Argentina, South Africa, Italy, and New Zealand.
How to celebrate #cabernetfrancday
Specials on Cabernet Franc wine are available at restaurants and liquor stores. They also host wine tastings, wine-making demonstrations, and activities that inform others about this style of wine.. No matter where you are located, you will participate. If you're at home relaxing, out with colleagues, or having a special dinner, be sure to have a glass. #CabernetFranceDay or #CabFrancDay is also available on social media.
Cabernet franc day is the oldest cabernet franc day in history
Lori Budd, one of the top 15 wine bloggers in the United States, created Cabernet Franc Day in 2015. She did so to celebrate her favorite grape and picked December 4th because it is the anniversary of Cardinal Richelieu's death. The first cuttings of the cabernet franc grapevines were delivered by the Cardinal to the Loire Valley in southwest France, where the wine was first established.