December 28th is Holy Innocents, National Card Playing, National Chocolate Candy, National Short Film, Pledge Of Allegiance and more!

Holy Innocents Day

On December 28th, Holy Innocents Day is annually observed on December 28th. According to Matthew 2:16, the day commemorates the execution of the innocent, male children in Bethlehem.

National Card Playing Day

On December 28th, we can invite our friends to try out a hand and play a game or two.

National Chocolate Candy Day

National Chocolate Candy Day gives us the opportunity to polish off the last of the specialty candies we received as gifts.. The day, which falls on December 28th, is the truffles and chocolate oranges that were tucked into stockings. Check those boxes of candy that may or may not have instructions on how to choose cream-filled or ganache. ganache is a form of cream.

National Short Film Day

National Short Film Day, December 28th, honors the day the motion picture industry was born, when the Lumière brothers unveiled a series of short films to a public audience for the first time.

Pledge Of Allegiance Day

Pledge of Allegiance Day, December 28th, commemorates the date Congress adopted the Pledge into the United States Flag Code, according to the date.