Global Pay It Forward Day - April 28
Fri Apr 28th

Global Pay It Forward Day

Every year on April 28th, Global Pay It Forward Day encourages people around the world to partake in a small act of kindness. It's a day to be kind to someone else. It's a day to respond to someone's kindness toward you.

Has anyone ever done something nice for you when you least expected it? Has anyone ever done something nice for you? Maybe they gave you a small gift. Or they gave you a hug just for the fact that. There's a chance that someone extended kindness to you, making you smile. The performance may have made you cry tears of joy. This is what kindness does. And here's why the world needs more of it. If people are generous, it makes you want to be generous in return. Can you imagine if everyone in the world was kind to one another all of the time? Well, this may be impossible, but it doesn't mean you can't try to be more compassionate to others.

Why not pay it forward if someone has recently done something helpful to you? In return, do something kind for someone else.. Here are some great tips: If you're not sure how to pay it forward, here are some great suggestions: If you're not sure how to pay it forward.

  • Buy the coffee or meal for the person behind you in line (a good place to do this is the drive-thru)
  • At least three people you see deserve a compliment, so give them a compliment
  • Five people on your contact list need to receive a positive text message or gif
  • Send a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates to a friend
  • For a friend or family member, we can provide free babysitting or dog walking a
  • Donate to a non-profit group
  • To a grocery or department store, a neighbor in need of a gift card is needed

There are several, many ways to pay it forward. The key is to give compassion to someone who least expects it.

How to celebrate #globalpayitforwardday on #globalpayitforwardday.

Paying it forward is the most effective way to remember this day. Use one of the suggestions above or browse the internet for additional ideas. Encourage your colleagues, co-workers, neighbors, and family members to pay it forward, too. If someone extended kindness to you and how it made you feel, please share it with others. To watch the film, "Pay It Forward," you can also gather a group and have a movie night. With #PayItForwardDay, you can post your favorite pay-it-forward tip or story on social media.

History has long been a defining moment in global pay it forward day

In 2007, Blake Beattie founded Global Pay It Forward Day, which was founded in 2007. Beattie, an international speaker, author, and Australia's management consultant. "Pay It Forward" by American novelist Catherine Ryan Hyde inspired him to start this day of kindness with a book. Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt were cast in a film version in 2000. In 85 countries, this special day is now being celebrated.