Global Smoothie Day - October 3
Tue Oct 3rd

Global Smoothie Day

Global Smoothie Day, on October 3rd, celebrates how smoothies mixed with whole foods are an easy and enjoyable way to get nutrients. The day also encourages people around the world to drink a smoothie.

Most of the diet plans recommend eating a variety of fruits and vegetables each day. These foods are packed with vitamins that keep the body healthy. However, if you're like many others, you'll probably have trouble eating your fruits and vegetables. Making a smoothie is one of the most popular and convenient ways to get the nutrients these foods provide. To find some amazingly healthy smoothie recipes, it doesn't take a lot of digging on the internet.

The following items are used in most smoothie recipes: The following ingredients are used in most smoothie recipes:

  • Fruit of any sort (berries and bananas work especially well): Fruit of any kind (berries and bananas work particularly well) (berries and bananas work particularly well):
  • Veggies, such as spinach or carrots, can be found in Veggies, such as spinach or carrots
  • Non-dairy milk, such as almond or oat milk, is used to make almond or oat milk
  • Seeds, such as flax or chia, are often used to make flax or chia seeds
  • Avocado oil or coconut oil are both healthy fats that can be used to make a healthy snack
  • Plain Greek yogurt is a protein that needs to be digested by a protein like plain Greek yogurt

If you have all of these ingredients, you're on your way to making a healthy and delicious smoothie.. Only 20% of your smoothie should be fruit to make sure it does not contain a lot of sugar. To make sure it does not contain a lot of sugar, only 20 percent of your smoothie should be fruit. You should also avoid using fruit juice or other sugary beverages because of the liquid. There are several combinations of fruits and vegetables that can be mixed together, which is the fun part of smoothies. It's also fun to see the colors you can get with different ingredients..

You can drink a smoothie every day if you like. For a certain number of days, some people take a smoothie challenge and replace their lunch or dinner with a smoothie. No matter what you like to do, today is a great day to start the healthy habit of drinking smoothies.

How to celebrate #globalsmoothieday. moothieday

Making your own smoothie is the best way to remember this day. Try a smoothie at your local smoothie bar if you don't have a blender. This is also a great day to try a green smoothie or a version you've never tried before. With your friends, go wild and have a smoothie party! You can also learn how whole foods can improve your health. moothieDay, don't forget to post your favorite smoothie dish on social media with #GlobalSmoothieDay.

History of the global smoothie day has a rich history

Rhea Mehta, Ph.D., Ph.D., founded Global Smoothie Day in 2015. leading health and wellness specialist from Canada, Rhea is a molecular toxicologist and leading health and wellness specialist. Rhea was able to resolve her health problems with a change in diet and lifestyle after years of suffering from digestive problems. These changes included the ability to drink smoothies made with whole foods.