National Corn Chip Day
Make the queso or salsa on January 29th and celebrate National Corn Chip Day. Each year around the country, corn chip enthusiasts are encouraged to make their favorite dips and toppings.
The corn chip or friotes are not to be confused with the tortilla chip, and are not to be confused with the tortilla chip. Both are made from cornmeal that is baked or fried in oil.
Processing the corn separates the tortilla from the corn chip is a different process from the corn chip. The corn for a tortilla chip is soaked in a lime-water solution that breaks down the hulls. This process results in a crisper, milder chip. A corn chip is sturdier with a stronger corn flavor. Both were popular snacks that originated in Mexico.
When is National Chip and Dip Day?
Filler and doolin
In the United States, two men are credited with patenting and selling the corn chip. When traveling in San Antonio, Texas, as a salesman, Isador J. Filler often eats a tostada (a hard corn tortilla with toppings). He began to imagine making them in rectangles and selling them as a chip. He patented his invention in 1932.
Elmer Doolin was also traveling in San Antonio and enjoying friotes at the same time. He paid $100 for the dish, according to the article. Doolin continued to sell them from the back of his Model T Ford's Experimentation unit until he created the right chip. They were a hit when he started mass-producing them under the name of Frito Corn Chips..
Doolin's Fritos were distributed throughout the country by Herman Lay (of potato chip fame) in 1945. Following Doolin's death, the two companies merged in 1959.
How to celebrate #nationalcornchipday. www.nationalcornchipdaycom
- Make a topping buffet with everyone's favorite toppings.. Include jalapenos, cheese, olives, queso, seasoned shredded pork, chicken or steak, onions, tomatoes, sour cream, and ac
- Dip it! Some of you are looking for hot and spicy, while others prefer it light and fresh. Get the cheese dipping, layers, melty, herbaceous, flavor party started. Get the cheese dipping, layers, melty, herbaceous, flavor party started
- Pack them up! Pack them up! Sneak corn chips into your loved one's lunch bags, according to Sneak corn chips. Add cheese slices or a container of their favorite dip. Stick a corny note to it. You know. You know. Something like this: Chip, chip, hooray! It's National Corn Chip Day!! (It even rhymes.) (It even rhymes.) #NationalCornChipDay is a true winner: It's nacho average holiday. We don't know what will happen if this doesn't just guac their world
- We love your designs, too. We love your ideas. When posting on social media, be sure to chip in by using #NationalCornChipDay
- Keep exploring the day by finding new chip and dip combinations to try.
History of national corn chip day in the United States has spanned history
Since at least 2002, we've been celebrating National Corn Chip Day. Nevertheless, we haven't been able to identify the event's promoter.
Q. Is corn chips gluten-free?
A. Yes. Yes. Yes. Corn chips and potato chips are gluten-free. To prevent cross-contamination, you will also want to make sure they are not made where flour and other gluten products are made.
Q. Can I make corn chips at home?
A. Yes. Yes. Yes. Fresh corn chips are delectable, too! You can turn corn tortillas into strips or triangles and bake or fry them until crispy.
Q. Is real corn used in corn chips?
A. Yes. Yes. Yes. Cornmeal, made from ground corn, is used to make corn chips.