National German-american Day
National German-American Day in the United States commemorates the German heritage millions of Americans claim on October 6th. The German heritage millions of Americans claim.
How to celebrate german-american day
Celebrate your German-American roots. Invite friends and family to try Germany's foods and customs. Share the language. Share the word. The English language was adopted from German to English, according to discover words. Explore the past of immigration by visiting museums near you. To post on social media, use the hashtag #GermanAmericanDay.
The national german-american day is the first national german-american day in history.
In the nineteenth century, National German-American Day was first commemorated. During World War I, however, it fell out of favor during World War I.
Things began to change in the 1980s at Then. President Ronald Reagan made his world tour in 1982, which also included West Germany, as per tradition. The newly elected US President spoke to the people of Bonn amid a cold war and a divided Germany. The United States President spoke to the people of Bonn. He began his address by referring to the history of the 13 German families who established a colony on American soil. He spoke about contributions, invention, science, and art, as well as the recognition to honor the German heritage that more than 7 million Americans claim..
President Ronald Reagan declared October 6th as German-American Day on the 300th anniversary of German-American immigration and culture into the United States in 1983. When President Reagan signed Public Law 100-104 on August 18, it was on August 6, 1987, designating October 6, 1987, as German-American Day, and designating October 6, 1987, as German-American Day, and designating October 6, 1987, as German-American Day. President Proclamation #5719 was released on October 2, 1987, and at this time, the President encouraged Americans to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. Since with Presidential Proclamations, it has been commemorated each year.