International Origami Day
International Origami Day, November 11th, commemorates this rare art form that originated in Japan.. It's also a day to learn more about origami and use it to produce something from paper.
Have you ever seen someone take a square piece of paper and fold it into a shape or image? You may have noticed someone using origami, if so, you may have seen someone using an art form called origami. The original term is orikata, which means folded shapes. In 1880, the word was converted to origami..
According to some historians, origami existed in the 1600s. In 1764, the first set of written instructions on origami appeared. Folding photographs from paper became a crucial weapon for aristocrats and high-ranking Japanese soldiers. Because paper was so expensive, only those in the upper class did origami. origami has spread throughout Japanese society as paper prices decreased. origami made its way to other parts of the world as Japan's hardline foreign policy came to an end in 1853.
Akira Yoshizawa's International interest in origami was sparked by her. He established current origami techniques. In addition, the cultural ambassador of Japan created numerous origami designs. It's no surprise that Akira Yoshizawa became known as the father of modern origami.
Most people today make origami from the 6-inch square paper. Fortune teller, crane, lotus flower, leap frog, butterfly, swan, and heart are among the most popular items to make include the fortune teller, crane, lotus flower, jumping frog, butterfly, swan, and heart. Besides providing an outlet for your creativity, origami has other benefits. Orgami also aids in relaxation, improves eye-hand coordination, and improves fine-motor skills. In addition, this art form improves math skills and promotes mental stability..
How to celebrate #internationalorigamiday, according to the internationalorigamiday.
On this day, origami clubs and associations from around the world hold online classes, make video tutorials, and have origami exhibitions. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate:
With friends and family, have an origami day party.
- Learn more about origami's past.
- Find simple origami crafts online and try some with your children
- e Can Learn Origami," "Dinosaur Origami," or "Origami From Angelfish to Zen" are among the origami books on origami. To read more about origami, click "Everyone Can Learn Origami," or "Origami From Angelfish to Zen"
With #InternationalOrigamiDay, you can post a snapshot of your origami creation on social media with #InternationalOrigamiDay.
The international origami day's history is documented by the international origami day
In Japan, the Nippon Origami Association named November 11th as International Origami Day. The Nippon Origami Association chose November 11th as International Origami Day. This day corresponds to Remembrance Day's declaration of peace. The origami crane is one of Japan's peace symbols, the origami crane.