National Bird Day
On January 5th, nature enthusiasts, bird enthusiasts, and bird watchers around the country all celebrate National Bird Day. It's also one of many designated bird holidays.
Both captive and wild, Born Free USA emphasizes the importance of National Bird Day and lists it as a day to shine a spotlight on issues vital to bird protection and survival.
According to Born Free USA, nearly 11% of the world's nearly 10,000 bird species are in danger of destruction.
Hundreds of events have been planned for over half a million avian enthusiasts commemorating national bird day
- bird-watching
- studying birds
- educating others
- Other bird-related activities include bird-related pursuits and other bird-related pursuits
- Bird adoption is a particularly important National Bird Day event. Several bird enthusiasts celebrate by adopting birds on this day, according to a Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper article. They also educate future bird owners about the specifics of caring for birds, including "proper care, sanitation, and biting, feeding, diet, and daily interaction"
How to celebrate #nationalbirdday.
This day can be celebrated in a variety of ways.
- Pick up a bird identification book from the library. It will help you learn about species in your area and identify those that frequent your bird feeders and identify those that are common to your bird feeders
- Enhance the beauty of your backyard by improving the attraction.. Add feeders, shelter, and more. Find out what birds in your area like to eat and watch them flock to your sanctuary
- Donate to a bird sanctuary or aviary dedicated to the survival of endangered birds
- Visit an aviary while learning about all the amazing animals. Also, a botanical garden, zoo, or conservation area may have close-up views of some of the more exotic species you've never seen before
Whether you choose or not, be sure to invite someone to join you so you can share the experience. Also, as always, use #NationalBirdDay to post on social media.
History of the national bird day has spanned history
Born Free USA, in collaboration with the Avian Welfare Coalition, launched the first annual National Bird Day in 2002 to raise avian awareness..
Bird FAQ
Can anyone participate in National Bird Day? Q. Is anyone interested in National Bird Day?
A. Yes. Yes. Yes. To start bird watching, you don't need many items. You need a set of binoculars, a notebook, and a bird identification book to name birds.
Does it matter where I go to bird watch? No. A. No. A. No. Birds are found in many habitats. Start watching from your house, whether in the city or the country. Taking walks, visiting state and national parks, local trails, and more.
Q. Is there any other bird days on the calendar? Yes! Yes! Yes! These fun days out are here: Check these fun days out:
- Bird Day
- Bird Day in the United States Migratory Bird Day is a World Migratory Bird Day