National Cuddle Up Day
National Cuddle Up Day is a holiday in the United States that takes place on January 6th. More information can be found here.
On National Cuddle Up Day, January has some of the year's coldest days, so what better way to stay warm and reap the health benefits of cuddling? Cuddling with a human or canine, or some other species of dog can be beneficial to cuddling with a three-dog night (a night so cold it takes three dogs to cuddle up with to remain warm) or just marginally chilly, there are several benefits to cuddling with a human or canine, as well as another pet.
Cuddling produces oxytocin. This hormone alone has major health benefits. oxytocin reduces pain and gives us warm and fuzzy feelings. When the cold has numbered those muscles and joints, cuddling can help eliminate those aches and pains.
Oxytocin also helps prevent heart disease, lowers blood pressure, stress, and anxiety.. Of course, insurance companies would probably cover cuddling if it weren't free, since it's such a significant health benefit!
More than e-mails, texts, or chats, communication is more than just e-mails, emails, or chats. Physical touch also conveys confidence, dedication, security, and reassurance. This goes for human-to-human contact as well as human-to-pet interaction; cuddling refers to all of these aspects that are essential to a healthy relationship.
Cuddling also raises sexual appetite. Dopamine is released, stimulating the brain to crave pleasure, which is a source of dopamine.. However, dopamine can also help memory and focus.
Don't have someone to cuddle with?? Make an appointment for a massage. Massage therapy has similar health benefits, according to studies.
How to celebrate #nationalcuddleupday in the nationalcuddleupday
Schedule a cuddle-up session with someone you love. Invite your pet to a snuggle session or schedule a massage.
Take stock of your mood before you enroll in a round of snuggling. What are your aches and pains? Rate them on a scale from 1-10. Is it a bit like an ogre? You know, whether it's slightly moody or overly cloudy..
After you soak up the benefits of your cuddle up, re-evaluate your pain and your mood. Was there an advancement? Was there one? Did you get a dose of oxytocin, a natural mood booster, and pain relief? If so, use #NationalCuddleUpDay to post on social media.
The national cuddle up day is the longest in national cuddle up day history
We're still looking at the sources of this cudy holiday.
Cuddle up FAQ
Q. Can I just get a hug instead?
A. Yes, absolutely! Hugs are also very helpful.
Q. Is it necessary to cuddle when it's cold?
No. A. No. A. No. Cuddling can happen any time of year, but it's understandable to prefer cuddling in the cooler months..