National Fruit Compote Day
Each year on March 1st, National Fruit Compote Day, a celebration of sweet berries, citrus, and stone fruit delights the senses.
Compote is French for "mixture."
A compote is a dessert that first appeared in 17th-century France. The French believed that fruit cooked in sugar syrup balanced the humidity's effects on the body and inspired them to invent compotes. Whole or pieces of mixed fruit are mixed in sugar syrup, according to recipes. The whole fruits are cooked in water with added sugar and spices. Add complementary spices to the dish, depending on the variety of fruit you choose.
- vanilla
- lemon peel
- orange peel
- cinnamon sticks
- cinnamon powder
- cloves
- ground almonds
- grated coconut
- Candied fruit or raisins is a fruit or raisins that has been candied
Fruit compote can be served either hot or cold. With sour cream and biscuits, the French invented fruit compotes in the afternoon as a snack. People began serving compotes chilled at the end of dinner during the Renaissance.
Because of its simplicity, cheap ingredients, and no dairy products, the compote became a staple of Jewish households around Europe and was considered part of Jewish cuisine.
Fruit compote is often topped with whipped cream, cinnamon, or vanilla sugar. It is also possible to be made with dried fruit soaked in water with added alcohol. A few examples include Kirsch, rum, or Frontignan.
How to celebrate #nationalfruitcompoteday on a day. www.nationalfruitcompotedaycom
- Make a fruit compote to enjoy with biscuits, oatmeal, or yogurt
- For a delectable treat and serve it with fruit compote, invite friends over for a delectable treat and serve it with fruit compote
- Invite others to try your recipes
- Try a new dish, like one of these!
- Hot Fruit Compote is a contest-winning Hot Fruit Compote
- Fruit Compote
- Chef Lee Anne Wong's Pancakes with Summer Berry Compote are among Chef Lee Anne Wong's Pancakes with Summer Berry Compote
- urrell's Angel Food Cake with Tropical Fruit Compote is Anne Burrell's Angel Food Cake with Tropical Fruit Compote
- To post on social media, use the hashtag #NationalFruitCompoteDay
Fruit compote FAQ
Is it possible to make fruit compote with any kind of fruit?
Yes, avocados are a fruit, but I wouldn't use them to make a compote. Yes, any fruit can be made into a fruit compote in the general sense of a sweet product from a shrub, vine, or tree..
Q. What can I use fruit compote on?
A. Serve it over ice cream or other desserts. Use it as a spread on toast. Before baking, stir it into baked goods..