World Circus Day
World Circus Day, the third Saturday in April, raises funds for the circus arts every year. Both amateur and professional circus performers receive a lot of attention on the day. Both amateur and professional circus performers receive a lot of attention.
The modern-day circus seems much different from those held in ancient Rome. It's also a good thing that it's a good thing.' During that period, circuses consisted of combat gladiators, the slaughter of animals, and other blood sports. The word "circus" is derived from the Latin word for circle. Romans hosted their functions in circular-shaped amphitheaters. During that period, circuses were the main source of entertainment for Romans. Even though the circus evolved through the years, entertaining the masses was still the primary aim.
In 1768, the kind of circus we have come to know came about. At the time, the English equestrian named Philip Astley began exhibiting trick horse riding exhibitions. Astley eventually recruited acrobats, jugglers, and a clown to fill the voids between his equestrian performances. Astley became known as the "father of the modern circus" because of this.. Finally, an Englishman named John Bill Ricketts brought the show to the United States. In Philadelphia in 1793, the first circus in America took place in Philadelphia. "The Greatest Show on Earth" by 1872, thanks to P.T. Barnum's P.M. Barnum, the circus became known as "The Greatest Show on Earth" by 1872.
The circus is still extremely popular today. Thousands of workers and hundreds of animals make up a large circus. Around the United States, there are 85 circus schools and training centers. About 90 percent of the American population lives within an hour's drive of a circus.
How to celebrate #worldcircusday. www.globusdaycom
- On this day, hundreds of circuses are being held around the world. Several performances have been held at the Circus Arts Conservatory in Florida. These include screenings of historic circus films, a special circus-themed menu for dinner, and circus-themed educational workshops for children and adults.
- Nearby you, attend a circus near you
- Have a competition with family and family to see who has the most popular circus performers. The most popular circus performers are clowns
- Watch the documentary The Circus on YouTube. The Circus is a circus
- Learn about famous circus performers, such as Isaac Van Amburgh in The Great Lion Tamer, Dan Rice in The King of American Clowns, and Annie Oakley in The Peerless Lady Wing-Shot
- With #WorldCircusDay, share your favorite circus memory or snapshot on social media
History of the world circus day has a rich history.
Princess Stephanie of Monaco became the president of Monte-Carlo's International Circus Festival in 2006. In 2010, she founded World Circus Day in 2010. She founded World Circus Day in 2010. Her aim was to publicize the circus's place as part of our common cultural heritage.
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