National Devil Dog Day
On April 27th, enjoy a treat in the name of National Devil Dog Day! With the name and the devilish snack cake, the service members are honoured on the day.
Devil Dogs became a popular single-serving snack in the mid-1920s with a layer of cream filling sandwiched between two layers of devil's food cake.. In 1926, Drake's first bakers began making the cakes.
The legend goes that German soldiers began to call US Marines "devil dogs" for their tenacity during World War I. The story was in full circulation around the country in 1918, when a recruiting poster in the United States headlined the word Teufel Hunden.. Despite the fact that the German word was rare and oddly worded, and its source was uncertain at best, the word stuck, the word retained a firm hold.
The underlying truth holds up. In Europe, the US Marines fought with ferocious courage, as did all the troops. The name was used by writers, poets wrote about the military prowess of the devil dogs, films were made starring the devil dogs, and the tale of the name was either updated or not to be part of history.
They even created a devilish snack cake that we still enjoy today!!
How to celebrate #nationaldevildogday. Def
National Devil Dog Day gives us a glimpse of history, word origins, and snack cakes! Learn how they train their devil dogs today. Grab one or two and read up on the Marines' involvement in World War I. To post on social media, use #NationalDevilDogDay.
History has shown that the national devil dog day in the United States has a long tradition
The patriarch and grandfather, Howard Leslie Sobel, brought Devil Dogs to the Sobel family. Sean Alexander Sobel, a young boy, was looking forward to finding them in his grandparent's cupboard.. He'll have one for him and one for his grandfather to eat together.. It is now a family tradition. Sean Alexander Sobel founded National Devil Dog Day in order to tell the tale of Devil Dogs.
Devil dog FAQ
Q. What is the US Marine Corps' motto?
A. The US Marine Corps' motto is "Semper Fidelis," which means "always faithful."
Q. What other nicknames do the Marine Corps have?
A. Leatherneck and Jarhead are two of the Marine Corps' most common nicknames. Leatherneck dates back to the Revolutionary War and includes leather stock service members' clothing around their necks. Jarhead was made about World War II and refers to a Marine's appearance in dress blues; the high collar resembled a Mason jar.
Q. Is there any other days on the calendar that honor the United States Marine?
A. Yes. Yes. Yes. The Marine Corps's birthday is November 10th.