National Sarcoidosis Day
National Sarcoidosis Day, which occurs annually, raises concerns about a non-contagious immune system disease. Sarcoidosis, although most commonly found in the lungs, is an inflammatory disease that can affect any part of the body, inside or out.
It usually looks like a scaly rash or red bumps when it comes to the skin. People don't often know they have it and blame allergies or a simple reaction to something with which they came into contact. Sarcoidosis can affect muscles, bones, kidneys, eyes, liver, the heart, or any other area of the body.. Sore eyes are the most common signs when it comes to the eyes. When internal organs or muscles are affected, swelling and pain can be present. It can cause a dry cough, shortness of breath, and mild chest pains in the lungs.
Sarcoidosis can be inherited by anyone, but it most affects people aged 20 to 40. Those between the ages of 20 and 40 are the most vulnerable. Sarcoidosis goes away without medical intervention in about half of the cases. The signs may persist for years and cause organ damage in more severe cases, for which there is no cure. Although scientists don't fully understand Sarcoidosis, studies continue to be done on the hopes of finding the cause and a cure..
How to celebrate #nationalsarcoidosisday. www.nationalsarcoidosisdaycom
Carl DeLine and David Sohl inspired National Sarcoidosis Day, which was inspired by Carl DeLine and David Sohl. Learn about Sarcoidosis to help this important medical day. #NationalSarcoidosisDay is a hashtag that can be used on social media to showcase your knowledge and experience.