National American Red Cross Founder’s Day
The American Red Cross's Day, May 21st, is the anniversary of the American Red Cross' founding. Clara Barton, the first president of the American Red Cross in 1881, founded the American Red Cross in 1881 and became the first president of the group. She was the CEO of the organization for the next twenty-three years.
The American Red Cross is a humanitarian group that provides assistance in the United States. The American Red Cross is a humanitarian group that provides assistance in the United States. It is the designated affiliate of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. It is the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies' designated affiliate.
Volunteers rule the American Red Cross, which is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and is led by volunteers. The American Red Cross also provides services in five other regions in addition to domestic disaster relief.
- The needy are served by the Community services to support the homeless
- Military members and their families and their families are able to access and support for military personnel and their families
- The collection, processing, and export of blood and blood products is a process that continues
- Educational programs on preparation, health, and safety are available in schools
- International relief and development projects are among the international relief and development organizations' international relief and development projects
Clara Barton (1821-1912) rolled up her sleeves, bandaging, and caring for wounded soldiers during the American Civil War, as many women during the American Civil War. Following the war in 1869, Barton returned to Europe, and for many years Barton served with the International Red Cross during the Franco-Prussian War. When she returned to the United States, she was determined to bring the Red Cross to America.
How to celebrate American red cross founders day. red cross founders day in the United States
Learn more about the American Red Cross, its founder, and its volunteers. Learn about the Red Cross' past and its impact in your neighborhood. Following are a few websites to help you get off: Following are a few links to help you get off: Following are a few links to help you get off: Following are a few pages to help you get off:
- Clara Barton - Clara Barton's Story of the Red Cross A tale of the Red Cross A tale of the Red Cross. A tale of the Red Cross
- Elizabeth Brown Pryor clarifies Clara Barton by Elizabeth Brown Pryor, Elizabeth Brown Pryor, Clara Barton by Elizabeth Brown Pryor Clara Barton by Elizabeth Brown Pryor Clara Barton by Elizabeth Brown Pryor Elizabeth Brown Pryor Clara Barton by Elizabeth Brown Pryor Elizabeth Brown Pryor Clara Barton by Elizabeth Brown Pryor Elizabeth Brown Pryor
- Michele Turk's Oral History of the American Red Cross: Blood, Sweat, and Tears: An Oral History of the American Red Cross.
- www.redcrossorg/
On social media, use the hashtag #AmericanRedCrossFoundersDay to tweet.