National Hvac Tech Day
With the days getting warmer, June 22nd is a good day for National HVAC Tech Day!
Why should we show our appreciation for our hvac (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) technicians?
Since ancient times, a variety of home heating and cooling methods have existed. However, central heating and air as we know it was invented in the early 1900s is still in use today. Americans gained more control over their indoor climate than ever before, thanks to the residential air conditioner and advancements in older technologies, such as the thermostat and blower-equipped furnaces.
This newfound power was more than a luxury; it influenced the country's economic growth. Since being more popular in AC in the 1960s, Sun Belt cities with triple-digit summer temperatures became much more desirable places to live and vacation.
Today, many of us take indoor comfort for granted. We'd like to think it's the technicians who keep our HVAC systems running day and night that we're talking about. Here are a few more: If that isn't reason enough to give them a little love, here are a few more:
Extreme weather are just another day at the office for an hvac hero
For us, a few hours without AC or heat may be uncomfortable, but imagine working in those conditions every day of the week. HVAC technicians slog through the sweltering heat and numbing cold to restore our warmth, often at the year's hottest and coldest times.
They go where you'd like to be!!
Find an HVAC professional in Crawl, attics,, and all points in between—that's where you'll find an HVAC professional. They can go from dust and rubble to cobwebs and rodents, mildew, and claustrophobically close quarters, depending on the building's age and condition.
Some green... hvac technicians can save you some money..
Want your next HVAC unit to maximize your energy savings? An HVAC specialist can help you choose the right equipment for your family's needs and your family's heating and cooling preferences. He or she may even recommend different thermostat options, ranging from set-it-and-forget-it simplicity to real-time smartphone controls with power usage monitoring to even real-time smartphone settings.
The savings won't stop there! Regular maintenance, carried out by your trusted HVAC technician, helps your equipment run at peak efficiency. That reduces energy consumption while also minimizing wear and tear that can shorten the life of your HVAC investment.
.and they make it possible to live greener!
Saving the earth's precious resources isn't forgotten, and don't forget that saving electricity means saving the earth's precious resources. While an HVAC expert assists you in selecting and maintaining effective heating and cooling systems, he's also helping you minimize your carbon footprint.
How to report national hvac tech day on national hvac tech day
Show your appreciation to your HVAC technician on the day. When posting on social media, give them a shout out using #NationalHVACTechDay..
History of national hvac tech day has spanned history
In 2016, ARS/Rescue Rooter, a national provider of home services, established National HVAC Tech Day to show appreciation for all HVAC technicians in the industry.