International Literacy Day
The International Literacy Day, September 8th, marks Encouraging and Supporting literacy around the world. The day is devoted to literacy's importance and value.
The ability to read and write isn't limited to individuals, but also societies as a whole. Some believe that literacy is a matter of honor and human rights. Literacy is also a vital component of education.. The ability to read and write also raises life expectancy.
Despite its importance, 775 million people around the world are illiterate. Women account for two-thirds of those who can't read. Around the world, there are 155 million children who are currently not attending school. School attendance is a key indicator of a child's risk of being illiterate. The world literacy rate stands at 82 percent. In most countries, the literacy rate has stagnated.
During Literacy Day, around the world, communities, companies, and governments celebrate literacy. They also reflect on the literacy challenges around the world. It has been noted globally that higher illiteracy rates correlate with rising poverty levels.
International Literacy Day was dubbed the most significant day on the calendar by the World Literacy Foundation.
How to celebrate #internationalliteracyday. www.internationalliteracydaycom
Volunteering at your local library is one way to get involved. You can read to the children in the United States, sparking a love for books and reading. It instills in children the desire to learn how to read when adults read to them. You may also help someone who is struggling to learn how to read or write.
Another way to commemorate this day is to contribute to an organization that promotes literacy. Just one of many. The World Literacy Foundation is just one of many. The World Literacy Foundation is just one of many. Libraries accept donations as well. Consider committing to being a lifelong patron of your public library.
Many people in history have attributed reading and writing to their success. Several people have contributed to their success throughout history. Frederick Douglas, a slave who became an abolitionist and prolific writer, is an example.
Discover inspirational quotes about literacy from this website.. You could even find or create your own memes. #InternationalLiteracyDay is a hashtag that people use on social media.
The international literacy day is the first in history for the first international literacy day
UNESCO declared September 8th as International Literacy Day on October 26, 1966. UNESCO declared September 8th as International Literacy Day on October 26, 1966. Around the world, International Literacy Day has been celebrated each year since 1967.
In recent years, there has been a theme associated with International Literacy Day. Some of the themes have been included: Some of the themes have included: Some of the themes have included:
- "Literacy Sustains Development" in 2006, "Literacy Sustains Development"; "Literacy Sustains Development"
- "Literacies for the 21st Century," "Literacies for the 21st Century" in 2013. "Literacies for the 21st Century" in 2013
- "Reading the Past, Writing the Future" in 2016
- "Literacy in a Digital Age" in 2017: "Literacy in a Digital Age"
- "Literacy and Multilingualism" in 2019: "Literacy and Multilingualism" is the focus of "Literacy and Multilingualism"