International Moment Of Laughter Day
International Moment of Laughter Day, which is a day to remind people to laugh out loud every day. According to originator Izzy Gesell, laughing out loud is as important as breathing. "Laughter comes right after breathing as just about the healthiest thing you can do," He says. Try one of these: If laughing isn't your thing, try one of these: It reduces anxiety, instills hope, boosts self-confidence, defuses resistance to change, and improves all your family relationships."
- chuckling
- giggling
- guffawing
- snickering
- cackling
- chortling
- cracking-up
- crowing
- sniggering
- snorting
- tittering
- chortling
- chuckling
- giggling
- guffawing
- teheeing
- tittering
- yucking
Make it a goal to laugh, make someone laugh, and share a laugh. Here are a few tips on how to do it. On social media, be sure to use #MomementOfLaughterDay to share your laughter and thoughts.
- In a greeting card store, the funny cards in a greeting card store make a joking crowd laugh out loud at the funny cards
- A friend of a friend jokes about a funny tale with a friend
- In a joke store, buy a "laugh-box" and turn it on at work or at home
- To someone who hasn't seen them before, your baby pictures will be shown to someone who has never seen them
- You should not be able to get someone else to laugh with you, but you should not try to convince them to laugh with you
- All laughs at no apparent reason at all
- Watch joking baby videos on YouTube
- go to a comedy show
- If you ask a 4-year-old to tell you a joke, they'll tell you a parody
Izzy Gesell, author, professional speaker, and humor consultant, Izzy Gesell, envisioned up in 1997 by author, professional speaker, and humor consultant Izzy Gesell.