January 8th is Earth's Rotation, National Argyle, National Bubble Bath, National Career Coach, National English Toffee and more!

Earth's Rotation Day

The discovery that our planet revolves on its axis every 24 hours on Earth's Rotation Day, on January 8th, is commemorated. It's also a day to learn more about Leon Foucault, the French physicist.

National Argyle Day

The tartan of Clan Campbell, a tartan of Clan Campbell, of Argyll, western Scotland, is commemorated on National Argyle Day on January 8th. Since the 17th century, Highlanders have worn the design in kilts and plaids, as well as patterned socks (known as a tartan hose).. On this day, it is celebrated and commemorated each year.

National Bubble Bath Day

Relaxing in a warm/hot bubble bath on a cold winter's day sounds like the perfect way to celebrate National Bubble Bath Day.. Is it no wonder that we commemorate it on January 8th every year?

National Career Coach Day

Each year on January 8, we celebrate National Career Coach Day and highlight the important work of career coaches around the United States.

National English Toffee Day

National English Toffee Day, January 8th, honors a traditional dessert that has been enjoyed around the world for generations.. This delectable treat comes with some confusion about the difference between English toffee and just plain toffee. Despite the confusion, it's still a delectable treat no matter how you crack it.

National Joygerm Day

People around the world know that by being positive and treating others with kindness, they can influence others around them and pass the positive attitude to others. National JoyGerm Day is annually held on January 8th. We influence people around us, and those people become infected with the same positive joy and spread it to others when we post good moods.

National Winter Skin Relief Day

National Winter Skin Relief Day on January 8 reminds us of all the ways we can shield our skin from being exposed to the harshest of elements as winter approaches. The amount of moisture in the air is reduced by lower temperatures outside and rising thermostats inside. Our skin is the first thing we notice.

World Typing Day

Every year, World Typing Day commemorates this written form of communication that guarantees speed, accuracy, and effectiveness. Typists can also enter typing competitions on a day.