July 20th is International Chess, National Fortune Cookie, National Lollipop, National Moon, National Pennsylvania and more!

International Chess Day

On July 20th, the founding of the Fédération Internationale Des Échecs (FIDES) was commemorated on 1924. The FIDES became the governing body of the game of chess, an ancient game played around the world.

National Fortune Cookie Day

On National Fortune Cookie Day, we've come to a time when you'll enjoy a crunchy, sweet treat. Each year on July 20th, Americans celebrate the cookie that is a traditional part of Chinese take-out..

National Lollipop Day

National Lollipop Day is a way to commemorate this enduring and ever-popular treat. Select your favorite flavor to savor from the menu.

National Moon Day

On July 20th, the day man first walked on the moon in 1969 was commemorated on National Moon Day. NASA characterized the moon landing as the single greatest technological achievement of all time.

National Pennsylvania Day

Starting the week of Independence Day and ending with Hawaii. We feature a small portion of each states' past, foods, and the people who make up the state. Several states have their own state celebrations. There's so much more to explore that we can't help but celebrate our beautiful country even more.

World Jump Day

Every year, World Jump Day, encourages people around the world to jump simultaneously on July 20th. The original intention of the first observance was to have millions of people jump at the same time in order to change the Earth's orbit.