May is Global Love, International Workers', Law, May, National Chocolate Parfait and more!

Global Love Day

They believe that love is the universal power that binds us all. With such ferocious results, it's only right to dedicate an entire day to all the love brings. Global Love Day is just that time.

International Workers' Day

International Workers' Day, which takes place every year in many countries around the world, aims to honor workers and the working classes. This day is also known as Labour Day or May Day in the United States.

National Life Insurance Day – May 2

National Life Insurance Day is held each year on May 2nd, the first day that life insurance became available in the United States. The observance of life insurance also raises concerns about the benefits of life insurance.

National Life Insurance Day

May 2nd of each year as National Life Insurance Day. This day is the anniversary of the first day life insurance becoming available in the United States.

National Chocolate Custard Day

On May 3rd, each year, a delectable pudding-like dessert enjoyed by many is celebrated on National Chocolate Custard Day.

National Garden Meditation Day

Every year on May 3rd, National Garden Meditation Day, encourages people to take time for one's self and relax..

Bird Day

In the United States, we commemorate our feathered friends on several holidays, including Bird Day. Across North America, birds of all sorts are celebrated.

International Firefighters' Day


African World Heritage Day

Every year, African World Heritage Day (May 5th) gives people around the world the opportunity to celebrate Africa.

National Astronaut Day

Each year honors Astronauts as true heroes on May 5th. By sharing out of this world Astronaut stories and experiences, the day's aim is to inspire ALL to reach for the stars.

International No Diet Day


National Beverage Day

## Today is national beverage day, and it is national beer day.

National Barrier Awareness Day

On National Barrier Awareness Day, we are charged with removing obstacles on National Barrier Awareness Day on May 7th each year. We are responsible for breaking stigmas that discourage people with disabilities from enrolling in education. We are responsible for removing stigmas that discourage people with disabilities from participating in education. It's a chance to tear down walls and build ramps that allow access. If we have misunderstandings, see the potential for the introduction of new technologies to close the void. Eliminate antiquated legislation that has barred those with disabilities from fully participating in their full potential. If ever a time to speak out against the unethical treatment of a human being, National Barrier Awareness Day encourages us to do so now.

National Packaging Design Day

Each year, the art of packaging design as well as design professionals is celebrated on May 7th. The global design community and those who appreciate beautiful, well-crafted packaging commemorate the day by releasing inspiring designs and exchanging ideas.. The day also raises an appreciation of the packaging's craftsmanship.

International Thalassaemia Day

Every year on May 8th, International Thalassaemia Day honors thalassaemia patients who are no longer with us. It's also a day to honor the patients who are alive and striving for a higher quality of life.

National Coconut Cream Pie Day

On May 8th, National Coconut Cream Pie Day honors its own slice of delectableness. This delectable pie is made with a sweet coconut cream filling. This pie is irresistible thanks to a thick layer of real whipped cream topped with toasted coconut.

Europe Day

On May 9th, Europe Day highlights the diversity of the world's second smallest continent's second largest continent. It's also a day that the European Union (EU) commemorates peace and unity in Europe.

National Alphabet Magnet Day

On May 9th, beautiful letters and clever language come together in a single celebration. The invention and ingenuity of making words from magnetic letters are recognized on National Alphabet Magnet Day.

National Clean Up Your Room Day

When National Clean Up Your Room Day arrives on May 10th, spring cleaners get their wish granted each year. Children often dread this parent-appreciated day. However, the observance arrives on Mother's Day in a perfect time for Mother's Day for several years.

National Lipid Day

Dyslipidemia is a disease that causes the celebration of Dyslipidemia each year on May 10th. Dyslipidemia is an abnormal amount of lipids (e.g. cholesterol and/or fat) in the blood.

National Birth Mothers Day


National Eat What You Want Day

National Eat What You Want Day, which is annually observed on May 11th, puts diets aside for a day of indulgence. It's about one day of eating with no regrets after one year of eating. If you like donuts or fast food, today is the day to gratify without feeling guilty.

International Me/cfs Awareness Day

International ME/CFS Awareness Day, which takes place every year, raises the alarm of a condition called myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.. It's also a day to highlight other chronic immunological and neurological disorders (CIND). (CIND)

International Nurses Day


International Hummus Day

Hummus lovers unite every year on May 13th to celebrate International Hummus Day. The day also raises the word of this delectable dish that has been described as a cross-cultural phenomenon.

National Apple Pie Day

On May 13th, National Apple Pie Day, America's most popular dessert, is celebrated annually.

National Buttermilk Biscuit Day

National Buttermilk Biscuit Day is held each year in the United States on May 14. The biscuit is the product of today's food holiday.

National Dance Like A Chicken Day

On May 14th, National Dance Like a Chicken Day encourages people to dance like a chicken! People are flapping their arms and strutting chicken-like from start to finish on this day. At least once in their lifetime, most people have probably danced the Chicken Dance at least once in their lifetime. This silly fun song is also popular at wedding dances, Oktoberfest, and other celebrations.. People of all ages are up and dancing on the dance floor, as the song gets people of all ages up and dancing.

International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day

On International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day, every year on May 15, advocates educate and raise funds for skin-to-skin contact. Everyone should embrace this vital activity between newborns and mothers right after birth, especially those in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Kangaroo care, skin-to-skin contact, and skin-to-skin contact is encouraged by the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

National Chocolate Chip Day

We're sure we're talking about a morsel of a thing on National Chocolate Chip Day on May 15th.

National Barbecue Day

In the United States, we observe National Barbecue Day on May 16 each year. You will find Americans around the country enjoying a variety of delectable barbeque (BBQ) flavors and sauces whether you grill at home or grab some takeout.

National Biographer’s Day

Each 16th of May National Biographer's Day commemorates Samuel Johnson, an English writer, and his biographer James Boswell's first meeting in London, England, May 16, 1763. Dr. Johnson, a well-known playwright, poet, moralist, essayist, essayist, literary critic, editor, and lexicographer.

Honor Our Lgbt Elders Day

On May 16, The thousands of people in the LGBT community who have paved the way for equality and social recognition are recognized on Honor Our LGBT Elders Day. The thousands of people in the LGBT community who have paved the way for equality and recognition. Today, you have the opportunity to investigate, learn, and promote equality for all LGBT people.

National Cherry Cobbler Day

Each year, National Cherry Cobbler Day is dedicated to the delectable tart dessert that many people enjoy with ice cream.. This dish was born in the early American Colonies, according to many, because of a lack of good cooking utensils.

International Museum Day

Every year, on May 18th, museum professionals have the opportunity to inform the general public about the importance of museums and the challenges they face.

National Cheese Souffle Day

Every year on May 18, we celebrate National Cheese Soufflé Day. On this scrumptious day, enjoy this French delicacy.

National Devil’s Food Cake Day

Chocolate cake lovers from around the world and around the world are enjoying the taste and richness of National Devil's Food Cake Day on May 19th.

National May Ray Day

National May Ray Day celebrates the brilliant sunshine and warmer weather with just a slight breeze to cool your skin. May 19 is the start of year.

International Red Sneakers Day

Each year, International Red Sneakers Day celebrates a growing movement with a goal to save the lives of those with food allergies while still revealing the life and memory of a boy who adored red sneakers..

National Be A Millionaire Day

We commemorate National Be a Millionaire Day every year on May 20 and wonder what it would be like to be a millionaire.

National American Red Cross Founder’s Day

The American Red Cross's Day, May 21st, is the anniversary of the American Red Cross' founding. Clara Barton, the first president of the American Red Cross in 1881, founded the American Red Cross in 1881 and became the first president of the group. She was the CEO of the organization for the next twenty-three years.

National Memo Day

On May 21st each year, we celebrate National Memo Day. We'll give you a reminder just in case you forget.

International Being You Day

On May 22, International Being You Day invites you to celebrate being you. You will discover what it means to truly be you during this day, beyond the social norms and the desire for perfection.. It's your day to discover the beauty of you and your unique abilities. The invitation also gives the opportunity to celebrate everyone's differences.

National Buy A Musical Instrument Day

On May 22nd, we observe National Buy a Musical Instrument Day each year. Playing music is all about having fun today. If you are a guitarist, it could be time for a new one. Perhaps you'll learn to play a second or third one. This holiday may be the inspiration you need if you've never played an instrument before.

National Lucky Penny Day

National Lucky Penny Day hopes you'll have good fortune all day long on May 23rd. Heads or tails, does it matter which way you find your money on?

National Taffy Day

On National Taffy Day, a delectable treat is commemorated on National Taffy Day. Taffy candy has been made and sold for many years, and has become a popular souvenir of many vacationers.

Aviation Maintenance Technician Day

Aviation Maintenance Technician Day, May 24th, honors the men and women who have served behind the scenes in creating and maintaining aviation on a daily basis.

Brother's Day

On May 24th, the brothers in our lives are commemorated. Whether we have one or several, they hold a special place in our hearts.

Geek Pride Day

Get your geek on! Get your geek on! Let your geek flags fly on May 25! All things geeky are commemorated on Geek Pride Day. It's for those people who like sci-fi, fantasy, board games, computer games, comic books, cosplay, anime, steampunk, and zombies, among other things.

International Plastic Free Day

International Plastic Free Day is a call to action that draws attention to the plastic we use every day. On May 25th, pledge to use no single-use plastic for one day (including bottles, take-out food containers, utensils, bags, and wrappers).

National Blueberry Cheesecake Day

On National Blueberry Cheesecake Day, two of the calendar's most popular foods come together on May 26th. In this pages of a delectable feast, we've sprinkled blueberries and cheesecakes throughout these pages. But they unite in perfect, delectable harmony one day a year.

National Paper Airplane Day

National Paper Airplane Day, each year, honors the basic aeronautical toy that has been around for thousands of years.

National Cellophane Tape Day

On May 27th, we could be in a tumultuous situation as we celebrate National Cellophane Tape Day. Can you imagine where we would be without this device? Can you imagine where we would be without this technology? Wrapping presents would be marginally more difficult without it.

National Grape Popsicle Day

Since summer is just around the corner, May 27th calls for warm weather, sunshine, and National Grape Popsicle Day.

National Beef Burger Day

If you hear a sizzle and your mouth begins to water, it could be National Beef Burger Day! There is no better time to enjoy a juicy beef burger on May 28th and all summer long. The day is all about getting the grilling season and recognizing America's most popular grilling protein, beef..

National Brisket Day

On May 28th, National Brisket Day honors one of the nine prime cuts of beef every year. Brisket comes from the breast or lower chest of beef or veal, and when prepared properly, it delivers both flavor and tenderness..

National 529 Day

National 529 Day is May 29th, reminding families and friends that it has never been simpler to plan for a child's future. You can help your child prepare for whatever path they choose by contributing to a 529 savings plan. On the federal level, earning income tax increases, and in most states, if savings are withheld to pay for qualified tuition and other expenses, education remains tax-free.

National Coq Au Vin Day

Each year on May 29th, National Coq Au Vin Day honors a delectable French dish. (salt pork), mushrooms, and garlic are all French braise of chicken, cooked with wine, lardons (salt pork), and garlic.

Loomis Day

Every year on May 30th, Loomis Day honors the man who received the patent for wireless telegraphy in 1872.. Mahlon Loomis, a dentist in Washington, D.C., received US patent number 129,971 titled An Advance in Telegraphing on wireless telegraphy in July of 1872, beating Guglielmo Marconi's United Kingdom patent by nearly 25 years.

National Creativity Day

On May 30th, Unleash your imagination for National Creativity Day!! If you are an artist, writer, filmmaker, blogger, photographer, graphic designer, or one of the 100 other creative professions, the world is going to honor you and your creative endeavor. And you deserve it!

International Flight Attendant Day


National Autonomous Vehicle Day

On May 31st, observe the future with National Autonomous Vehicle Day and see the convergence of science and technology merging like never before.