May 3th is National Chocolate Custard, National Garden Meditation, National Lumpy Rug, National Montana, National Paranormal and more!

National Chocolate Custard Day

On May 3rd, each year, a delectable pudding-like dessert enjoyed by many is celebrated on National Chocolate Custard Day.

National Garden Meditation Day

Every year on May 3rd, National Garden Meditation Day, encourages people to take time for one's self and relax..

National Lumpy Rug Day

Two ways of commemorating National Lumpy Rug Day on May 3rd each year are different..

National Montana Day

Starting the week of Independence Day and ending with Hawaii. We feature a small portion of each states' past, foods, and the people who make up the state. Several states have their own state celebrations. There's so much more to explore that we can't help but celebrate our beautiful country even more.

National Paranormal Day

es are encouraged to gather together and share their experiences with each other each year on May 3rd National Paranormal Day. People who participate in paranormal activities are encouraged to join together and share their experiences with each other each year.

National Raspberry Popover Day

## National raspberry popover day is approaching on national raspberry popover day in the United States.

National Specially-abled Pets Day

On May 3rd, National Specially Ableable Pets Day shines a spotlight on the needs of pets with disabilities..

National Textiles Day

We celebrate all that textiles do to improve our lives on National Textiles Day on May 3rd. Textiles have a variety of design options, from trendy style to everyday use. Textiles are a staple for everyday life. Textiles provide us with a slew of design options, from fashionable style to everyday use.

National Two Different Colored Shoes Day

National Two Different Colored Shoes Day, each year, encourages us to celebrate our uniqueness and display it on display. This day stands out from the other 364 days of the year.. Wear two different colored shoes and see where they lead you.

World Press Freedom Day