National 529 Day
National 529 Day is May 29th, reminding families and friends that it has never been simpler to plan for a child's future. You can help your child prepare for whatever path they choose by contributing to a 529 savings plan. On the federal level, earning income tax increases, and in most states, if savings are withheld to pay for qualified tuition and other expenses, education remains tax-free.
529s are one of the most cost-effective and attractive ways to save, according to this article. Here's why 529s are one of the most adaptable and attractive ways to save.
- These can be used for 4-year or community colleges, career and technical schools, and registered apprenticeships. They can cover those costs that add up, such as room and board, fees, textbooks, and computers, in lieu of tuition and fees. They can be used for accredited institutions in other countries
- Another family member – or even yourself – can use 529 savings for retraining or getting a new certificate.
- Up to $10,000 in qualified student loans per beneficiary can be used to pay up to $10,000 in qualified student loans per beneficiary if your child is in debt
- And, it's simple: grandparents, colleagues, and other family members can contribute as little as $10 to a child's account through online gifting services, crowdfunding platforms, or E-gift cards
How to celebrate national 529 day on national 529 day
To get more savings tips, visit www.collegesavingsfoundation.org "Open a 529" to get more information about saving. A large number of available services are either directly to you or with the assistance of a financial advisor.
Explore the #529 tax-advantaged plan that's right for you. #National529Day on social media, share your experiences with a 529 plan.
History of the national 529 day celebrations in the United States
National 529 Day was established to inform everyone of the benefits of 529 higher education savings plans, which was an integral part of the College Savings Foundation's (CSF) initiative to assist American families in meeting their education savings goals.