National Airborne Day | August 16
Wed Aug 16th

National Airborne Day

On August 16th, the military's airborne divisions of the Armed Forces are commemorated on National Airborne Day.


Ft. on August 16, 1940, the first official Army parachute jump at Ft. was recorded on August 16, 1940. Benning, Georgia, Benning, Georgia. Parachute: The successful jump demonstrated the revolutionary idea of inserting ground combat forces from the United States behind a battle line by parachute. These sky troops are some of the United States Army's most highly respected and expertly prepared troops.

Two airborne divisions currently operate in the US Army's current airborne divisions.. The 82nd Airborne Division out of Ft. is the 82nd Airborne Division. Bragg, North Carolina, the first state division, was established as an infantry division. The 82nd Division of World War I was activated at Camp Gordon on August 25, 1917. They earned the nickname All American for the design of their division in 1918. Since the soldiers came not from any part of the country, but many were immigrants as well. The 82nd Division represented all of America as few other divisions did at the time.

The second and still operating airborne division had a short life span before getting off. During World War I, the 101st Airborne Division of the 101st Airborne Division was organized for a short time on November 2, 1918, 1918. However, the war ended shortly after. The Screaming Eagles were re-activated at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, on August 16, 1942, during World War II. They now live in Ft. They currently live in Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, Campbell, Kentucky.

Both units have served around the world in combat, peacekeeping, and humanitarian missions.

How to observe national airborne day

Learn more about the Airborne troops of The United States military.

  • Watch documentaries about airborne troops in the US military. The US military has a pilot shortage
  • Learn about the past of airborne units. E.M. Flanagan or Out of the Blue: A History of American Forces by E.M. Flanagan or Out of the Blue: James Huston's U.S. Army Airborne Operations in World War II
  • Discover even more by visiting military museums and memorials to the airborne forces

Thank a paratrooper and use #NationalAirborneDay to post on social media..

History of the national airborne day

On August 14, 2002, President George W. Bush declared National Airborne Day. Senate Resolution 235 on August 3, 2009, the US Senate of the 111th Congress commemorated National Airborne Day.

Airborne FAQ

Is the US Army Airborne creed? Q. Does the US Army Airborne have a creed?

A. Yes. Yes. Yes. The United States Army's Association is where you can find it.

What does the AA patch worn by the 82 Airborne mean?

It stands for "All American," Vivienne Goodwyn's nickname shortly after the 82nd Airborne was established during World War I.

Q. What does the 101st insignia look like?

The 101st Airborne is represented by a bald eagle on a black shield. a. The Screaming Eagles have been their nickname as a result.

Q. How long is Airborne training?

A. The United States Army Airborne School in Ft. A. The United States Army Airborne School in Ft. A. on in Benning, Georgia, is a three-week Basic Paratrooper Training course.