National Avocado Day | July 31
Mon Jul 31st

National Avocado Day

On National Avocado Day, add this delectable superfruit to your menu on National Avocado Day on July 31st! Ripe for the picking, add this delectable superfruit to your menu.


Although the guacamole is grand, don't go for only the chips and dip on this food holiday. Since avocado is so versatile, we're able to lay the table for the entire meal. Everything from the appetizer and main dish to dessert is included in this category. This tree-grown fruit has them all covered on National Avocado Day!

Avocados are more than a staple food in the American diet; they have been identified as a key ingredient in recipes both inside and out; they are also a key ingredient in dishes for both inside and out. Avocado consumption in the United States doubled since 2005 and quadrupled since 2000, according to the Hass Avocado Board, as of 2015, avocado consumption in the United States doubled since 2005 and quadrupled since 2000. In fact, a whopping 4.25 billion avocados were exported in the United States in 2015. In fact, a whopping 4.25 billion avocados were sold in the United States in 2015. That's four points two five billion of this amazingly delicious food.

Super food

National Avocado Day is celebrated for several reasons. There are several reasons to celebrate National Avocado Day. Avocados are one of the many avocados that are intended for insulin resistance with heart-healthy fats. Omega 3 fatty acids are also used to fight Alzheimer's disease. Vitamins C, E, and K are found in another avocado superpower, which is also repairing damage due to its source of Vitamin C, E, and K.

The high oleic acid content in an avocado is one of the few uncovered weapons in an avocado.. This moisturizing fatty acid helps keep skin smooth and hydrated while also supporting the repair of damaged skin cells, reducing redness and irritation.. If you have this skin disorder, try eating more of this superfruit or cooking with avocado oil.

Beauty Ancient Aztecs used avocado to beautify their skin topically with masks. The cosmetic industry discovered the benefits of its oil in creams, lotions, facial cleansers, and other items that required a smooth application in the early twentieth century. Interestingly, the activity persists today.

Avocados have made their way into every meal of the day, as I've previously mentioned. Avocados, of course, pair with dessert with a delectable dessert. In addition, the creamy texture replaces calorie-laden oils with healthier fats. That means we can indulge without guilt. What better way to honor National Avocado Day than to indulge a little?

How to celebrate national avocado day.

Try a new dish with an avocado. Share your favorite avocado dish and use #NationalAvocadoDay to post on social media.

Will Cook for Smiles has Avocado Cupcakes from Will Cook for Smiles. Jody Duits of Avocado Brownies from Jody Duits on Buzzfeed. Avocado Brownies from Jody Duits on Buzzfeed. Avocado Brownies from Jody Duits. Avocado Brownies from Jody Duits on Buzzfeed.

Also check out the avocado deals that are coming your way!! Check them out on the Celebration Deals page. If you have an offer and want it to be published, be sure to contact us and let us know!

Click here to find out how to forget your National Avocado Day socks.

The national avocado day is the first national avocado day in history

On July 31, Model Meals established National Avocado Day in 2017, at the height of California avocado season, on July 31. Camille May and professional curve model Danika Brysha founded Model Meals, a meal delivery service that was established in 2015 by Camille May and professional curve model Danika Brysha. The company collaborates with local organic growers and farmers as much as possible to create complete menus, encouraging sustainable agriculture and healthy eating.

Avocados are a key component of the Model Meals diet, whether it's in a dish or on the go. Whole30 is a registered, gluten-free, Paleo-friendly avocado. For a midday dose of healthy fats and vitamins, Danika and Camille popularly carry "purse avocados.". Model Meals wanted to celebrate it to the fullest, and the idea to create its own holiday was born. Click here to see if Model Meals is available in your area. If you're curious if this is the case, click here.

Media contact:

Erin Messmer Phone: (949) 610-086 E-mail: [email hidden] [email protected] [email protected] E-mail [email protected] [email hidden] E-mail [email protected] [email hidden] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E-mail] E-mail [email] [email] [email] [email] [email] [email] [email] E-mail [email]