National Bagelfest Day | July 26
Wed Jul 26th

National Bagelfest Day

gnized on National Bagelfest Day on July 26th, which honors the kosher carbohydrate. Toast one and add a schmear or two to the toast. If you don't, you aren't really celebrating. If you don't, you aren't really celebrating.


Both outside and chewy in the middle bread, North Americans adore this crunchy on the outside and chewy in the middle bread. Bagels are also available in a variety of flavors, and can be served with a variety of toppings. In most communities, bagel shops are a staple throughout the country.

U.s bagel history

The bagel was imported to the United States by Polish-Jewish immigrants, who brought the bagel to the US. They grew thriving businesses in New York City and the immediate boroughs. Of course, it didn't take long for the bakers to organize. Of course, it didn't take long for them to get organized. They established the International Beigel Bakers' Union in 1907, which was founded in 1907. Bagel Bakers Local 338 operated for decades, with almost all bagel bakeries in and around the city for its employees..

Bakeries made bagels by hand until the 1960s. Then Daniel Thompson invented the bagel maker, sparking a tense discussion of man versus machine.. Customers were then asked whether the best bagel was dangled before. Was it the hand-crafted bagel or the industrial bagel?

During the last quarter of the twentieth century, the bagel became more popular in North America. In part, the bagels' success around the world is due in part to bagel baker Harry Lender's son, Murray Lender, and Florence Lender's efforts. In the 1960s, their pioneering efforts led to the automated manufacturing and export of frozen bagels. Murray also invented pre-slicing the bagel, which was also invented by Murray.

How to celebrate the national baget day in the United States.

The day will allow us to explore the history of the bagel and savor the various flavors. Grab some bagels and your favorite toppings before heading to the supermarket. The hashtag #NationalBagelfestDay was used in a social media post by Post on social media.

The national bagelfest day in history is the national bagelfest day in history

Murray Lender, the owner of Lenders Bagels, was the initiator of National Bagelfest Day.. Murray, Murray, 1986, began the festival in Mattoon, Illinois, home to the world's largest bagel factory.