National Banana Day - Third Wednesday in April
Sat Apr 15th

National Banana Day

On the third Wednesday in April, take a bite of the fruit that also makes a good gag for National Banana Day jokes.

The day focuses on the fruit's nutrition as well as the way comedy has used the banana in its performances. With B6 and C leading the way, this low-fat, low-calorie snack gives a boost in fiber, potassium, and vitamins. It also contains a healthy gram of protein.' Add a banana to your morning cereal or grab one to go with your granola. They also add so much delicious flavor to baked goods. Many bakers are aware that when those bananas turn brown, they will toss them in the freezer for baking muffins and breads later.

Anyone goes a little bananas when they slip on a peel, as far as the hum goes. Is it the peel of laughter that makes them go bananas? Get your comedy routine going by holding the banana like a phone.

How to celebrate #nationalbananaday

  • Write a little note on a banana and tuck it into your loved one's lunch
  • Add bananas to your lunchtime routine. They're both inexpensive and delectable. Both children and adults love them, so you can't go wrong
  • On social media, use #NationalBananaDay to show how you #CelebrateEveryDay
  • Try these recipes from the links below
  • Bananas Pan Fried Cinnamon Bananas Pan Fried Cinnamon Bananas Bananas
  • Frozen Banana Cereal Pops is a pops from Frozen Banana Cereal Pops.

National banana day is the oldest national banana day in history

The word is also out about who created this national holiday. Nevertheless, we've sent out several bananas to track them down.


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Banana FAQ

What is a line of bananas called? Q. What is a variety of bananas?

Hands are the cluster of bananas that grow on the banana plant (together they look like fingers on a hand). A.

Are banana plants sterile? Q. Is banana plants sterile?

A. The banana plant's fruit is sterile. A. However, the banana plant is able to reproduce from rhizomes beneath the soil. The parent plant dies after it produces fruit, but the rhizomes will send out corms for new plants.

Q. How many calories are in a banana?

A. A medium banana contains about 105 calories.