Wed May 24th

National Escargot Day

Cooks usually prepare Escargo by removing the land snails from their shells and sauting them with garlic, butter, and wine. With the sauce for serving, the gastropods return to their shells once cooked. Special forks and tongs help with the dining experience because the snails are too clumsy to eat.

Heliciculture is a branch of snail raising. The science of growing snails is known as heliciculture. More people are raising snails in the United States for culinary use.. Even though escargot continues to be a strange dish for American palates, around the world escargot has long been a popular dish.

If you've never tried escargot, this is the holiday to try it. Find a restaurant near you that serves the delicacy and order a plate. '' Be sure to order wine as well.. We have a recipe for you to try at home if you're looking for a dish to try at home.

Enjoy this Escargot in Wine dish..

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