Wed Nov 1st

National Family Literacy Day

On November 1st, families from around the world will celebrate National Family Literacy Day. Families who read together have a blast together.

More reasons than ever have prompted families to read aloud to their children from a young age. Reading enhances early vocabulary skills, in addition to the fact that reading promotes quiet, quality family time. Check out these reasons: If that wasn't enough to bring a family reading together, try these reasons:

  • Expands their attention span and yours. Even to your youngest child, read chapter books.. They may drift off to sleep, but they are watching and their attention span will grow
  • It's free. Books can be checked out from the library.
  • You can read well above a child's level, and they will still listen and comprehend
  • Listening skills can be enhanced. See the image above. See above
  • It's portable. Reading doesn't need batteries to read. Except at night, except at night
  • Reading is a skill that will never be forgotten.. They never stop learning how to read once a child learns to read. You'll know because you'll have to avoid mentioning such words to your spouse because you'll have to avoid saying such words to your spouse
  • It boosts imagination and creativity, as well as increasing imagination and creativity
  • Reading opens a dialogue between parent and child

How to celebrate #familyliteracyday.

This day, celebrated around the United States, this day focuses on special events and events that highlight the importance of family literacy programs. Attend a program or activity at a school or library near you. Get together with your family and read a book together. Here are some other ways to commemorate National Family Literacy Day: http://www.national Family Literacy

  • Visiting the library and getting a library card are both recommended
  • Make a reading nook in your house
  • At home, starting a tradition of reading time.
  • Your children will love trying new genres. Often a different topic is all it takes to get children excited about reading
  • Have a spelling bee night
  • Play Scrabble or other word games

In addition, you can also post your favorite ways to encourage reading in your household. 9 Ways to Encourage Reading in Your Home If you're looking for ideas, check out 9 Ways to Encourage Reading in Your Home. If you're celebrating, be sure to use #FamilyLiteracyDay to post on social media.

LITERACY DAY NATIONAL FAMILY LITERACY DAY HISTORY DAY HISTORY DAY HISTORY. The 103rd Congress passed Joint Resolution 413 in 1994, designating November 1 National Family Literacy Day. National Literacy Month is on the day.