National Frappe Day | October 7
Sat Oct 7th

National Frappe Day

## frappe faq

Q. Will a frappe bring you brain freeze? Q. Will a frappe give you a brain freeze?

A. If you drink it fast enough, a frappe will cause you to freeze your brain. A. It will. However, some people never experience brain freeze. That's at least, we heard. We don't know it.

Q. What are some ways to prevent brain freeze?

A. Brain freeze is a temporary pain caused by drinking icy cold liquids too fast. Here are a few tips to help you get rid of the aches and pains.

  • Put down the drink
  • Sip from a warmer liquid
  • Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth if a warmer liquid isn't available
  • With your hand, you can close your mouth and nose.. Breath is through your nose. Through your sinus passages, warmer air can circulate.
  • Return to enjoying your frappe at a slower pace.

Q. What is the difference between a frappe and an iced coffee?

While iced coffee is not available, A. frappe is blended, but iced coffee is not. However, both are cold and delicious!