National Kazoo Day
The United States' National Kazoo Day, January 28th, honors nearly 200 years of kazoo music.. The day also encourages playing and learning about the kazoo. kazoo.com
To make a sound, the instrument needs no effort.. However, to make intelligible music, one must have certain skills.. Comedic punctuations to just about every childhood song can be included in this simple device. If you can hum, you can play, the kazoo is the best part of it.
Marlo Anderson, our founder, is featured in a story about National Kazoo Day. Click play and enjoy a tale about National Kazoo Day. Subscribe with your new podcast host if you like the 2-minute show.
Michael McIntyre and Harry Richardson formed The Original American Kazoo Company in 1915, which began manufacturing metal kazoos.. They are still in production in Eden, NY, today. They are also in production today.
Another weapon used during World War I was another. The bazooka was advertised as a game anyone could play (and build), and it was larger and a little more difficult for a child to handle.
How to celebrate #nationalkazoooday on #nationalkazooday
- On the kazoo, play a song
- Start a kazoo band
- Make your own kazoo
- Learn about how a kazoo works
- Teach someone to play the kazoo
- Make a video of you playing a kazoo
To post on social media, use #NationalKazooDay.
The national kazoo day celebrations in the United States have a long tradition
The humble kazoo and all the infectious joy it brings to people of all ages were born in 1983 by Chaplin Willard Rahn of the Joyful Noise Kazoo Band.
Kazoo FAQ
Is anyone playing a kazoo? Q. Can anyone play a kazoo??
A. Anyone who can hum can play the kazoo.
Q. Is kazoos expensive? Q. Is it expensive?
A. Kazoos are very inexpensive musical equipment. More expensive kazoos still cost less than ten dollars, but they do not have to be returned.
Q. What materials are used to make kazoos?
A. Kazoos can be made from metal, wood, plastic, glass, or even cardboard.