Wed Jan 11th

National Milk Day

Many believe the first milk bottles in glass bottles appeared in the United States on January 11th, the day many believe the first milk bottles were delivered in glass bottles began in the United States. Alexander Campbell of the New York Dairy Company pleaded guilty to the New York State Senate that his company was the first to make these deliveries in 1878.

More milk and milk products are exported from the United States and Australia than in any other region. Cheese, yogurt, ice cream, butter, cream, powdered milk, and many more are among the items listed. More than 6 billion people drink milk and the products we make from it around the world. Milk is one of the reasons, because it contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, vitamin B12, and vitamin A.

Production history

People called milk the virtuous white liquor during the Middle Ages because alcoholic beverages were more popular than water.. In 1863, French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur made it possible for milk and other food and drinks to be stored for longer stretches.. He invented a way of killing harmful bacteria that is now called pasteurization.

Hervey Thatcher, an American doctor from New York City, invented the first modern glass milk bottle in 1884. "Thatcher's Common Sense Milk Jar" was the product of his "Thatcher's Common Sense Milk Jar." To seal the milk in the glass bottle, He used a waxed paper disk. Plastic-coated paper milk cartons were first introduced commercially in 1932 as a result of Victor W. Farris' invention.

Casein, whey protein, lactose, condensed milk, powdered milk, and several other food-additive and industrial products are produced by milk-based industrial processes.


Both mammal species's females can produce milk by definition. However, cow milk dominates commercial production. In 2011, 2011. In 2011. Cows produced 85% of all milk worldwide, according to FAO. They estimate that cows produced 85 percent of all milk worldwide. Many species of livestock contribute milk that humans use for dairy products, including cattle. buffalo, goat, sheep, camel, donkey, horse, reindeer, and yak are among the species that can be found in these animals. Their milk, like cattle, is made with cream, butter, yogurt, kefir, ice cream, and cheese.

How to celebrate #nationalmilkday

A large glass of milk is the ultimate way to celebrate. However, a serving of anything made with milk would count, as well. Does a milkshake look good to you? We've also collected up some other ways to celebrate.

  • Make your own cheese
  • Make your milk with chocolate, strawberry, and malted flavorings Then blindfolded the children and have a milk tasting!
  • Make a friend over homemade hot chocolate by inviting a neighbor
  • Learn more about the minerals in milk while sipping your milk

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For projects and resources to help you celebrate Every Day, visit the National Day Classroom for educators and families.

The national milk day is the longest in national milk day history, according to history

In 1915, The International Association of Milk Inspectors submitted a motion to Congress in October of 1915 naming a National Milk Day observance. Their request did not specify a date for the observance of the observance. There is no evidence that the incoming Congress ever presented a resolution for National Milk Day, nor did incoming President Woodrow Wilson ever announce the date.

Relevant observances

  • National Hot Chocolate Day is celebrated on National Hot Chocolate Day
  • World Milk Day
  • World Osteoporosis Day is on World Osteoporosis Day

Milk FAQ

Q. How many calories are in a cup of whole milk?

A. One cup of whole milk contains 149 calories.

Q. Does all milk come from cows? No. A. No. A. No. In the grocery store today, you can buy milk from both cows and goats. Plant-based milk is also available on the market.