National Moonshine Day | June 5
Mon Jun 5th

National Moonshine Day

Every June 5th National Moonshine Day honors a beverage with a long history and the law, turning ordinary men (and women) into criminals and common criminals into stars. The National Moonshine Day is scheduled on June 5th.


Moonshine is traditionally distilled spirit, but it is not a legally distilled spirit. Moonshine is a distilled whiskey that is usually made from a corn mash and is often made by an individual illegally without a license. Too many more to list here include white lightning, mountain dew, homebrew, hillbilly pop, rotgut, and many more. Also known as white lightning, mountain dew, mountain dew, homebrew, hillbilly pop, rotgut, and many more.


With the Scotch-Irish, they first arrived in Virginia, first to the United States with the Scotch-Irish.

Before the Civil War, several states passed temperance laws and prohibition laws, but it wasn't until the turn of the century that the temperance movement took off steam. By the time the 18th Amendment was ratified early in 1919, over half of the country was dry.

Prohibition lasted 13 years. Prohibition lasted 13 years. Its first moonshine demand was unhearded, unlike any that may not have existed before. Moonshine became a major company overnight, with Moonshine becoming a huge success.

Modern moonshine

Moonshine in the legal sense has a following these days.. Moonshine's name is given to small-batch distilleries, which gives moonshine a new name.. Bringing moonshine out of the woods and testing other whiskeys for a place on the shelf. Many are packaging their homebrews in canning jars, celebrating their rich past while still exploring with flavor and branching out with food pairings similar to wine and beer.


  • Shepherd was Uncle Jesse's CB handle on the Dukes of Hazzard, according to Uncle Jesse's CB. In the first episode – his moonshine runner – Sweet Tillie was the name of his Ford LTD/Galaxie
  • The X's on the moonshine jugs symbol indicates the number of times a batch was run through the still. The moonshine is pure alcohol if marked XXX
  • What does Esther Clark, Edna Giard, Stella Beloumant, Mary Wazeniak have in common? They were all bootleggers. Bootlegging was a equal opportunity occupation
  • Lavinia Gilman, a bootlegger, was also a bootlegger. She ran a 300 gallon in Montana at 80 years old. She was still in Montana at 300 gallons. Despite this, the judge found her son to be the true perpetrator
  • There were several ways to transport bootlegged moonshine during prohibition. Faking a funeral was a simple way to move the product. Many with the badge were reluctant to postpone a funeral procession out of respect for the dead, of course

How to celebrate national moonshine day on national moonshine day.

Share your favorite whispered histories of the white lightning and the legendary people who made it and followed it.. Drink responsibly and post #NationalMoonshineDay on social media.

History has shown that the national moonshine day celebrations have a long tradition

Within our investigation, we were unable to identify the person of National Moonshine Day. We're sorry.