National Mutt Day | July 31
Mon Jul 31st

National Mutt Day

On July 31st and December 2nd, National Mutt Day encourages us to embrace, save, and celebrate mixed breed dogs twice a year..


Millions of loving and healthy mixed breed dogs in shelters are waiting for someone to come and adopt them. National Mutt Day is an excellent opportunity to find the right canine companion. Despite the name, a mutt learns, obeys, and trains much like purebred animals. Although their lineage is uncertain and their appearances a bit unclear, their companionship will be faithful.

According to the ASPCA, approximately 3.3 million dogs enter shelters every year. Each one needs a forever home when these abandoned and often neglected animals find their way to a shelter. Their potential is limitless, whether you like it or not. Adoption is often skipped. Both humans and canine enjoy increased physical fitness. Walking on daily walks gives another boost to social interaction. Although humans are patient, their four-legged companion learns to trust and new limits. For example, when dogs explore the numerous scents of the human life, they often find shoes are off limits.

No matter the breed, size, or demeanor of the human, er, canine, the shelter will take the time to find the right home for their animals. They plan visits and have policies in place to promote healthy adoptions for families and individuals. Although some dogs suffer injury or illness, the shelters work with veterinarians to heal the animals before making them available for adoption.

Of course, shelters always welcome donations and volunteers. Even if they haven't found their forever home, dogs love walking, playing, and being loved.. Every minute they spend socializing increases their chances of adoption.

How to celebrate national mutt day on national mutt day

Visit a shelter; if you are unable to adopt a dog, you can always volunteer. The Human Rights Campaign is a charity that promotes human rights. #NationalMuttDay is used on social media by the Post on social media, encouraging others to participate and encourage others to participate.</span;

Want to know more about mutts and dogs in general? To learn more, read 5 Facts About Dogs.

The national mutt day celebrations have a long tradition in national mutt day celebrations

Colleen Paige, a celebrity pet specialist and Animal Welfare Advocate, founded National Mutt Day in 2005. Each year, the day is celebrated on both December 2 and July 31.. For more information, visit

Mutt FAQ

Q. How many purebred dogs are found in shelters?

A. Purebred numbers in shelters are significantly less than mix-breed animals. According to a report by the National Animal Interest Alliance in 2015, only 5 percent of the dogs in shelters are purebred.

Q. What are the most common purebred dogs found in shelters? Pit Bulls and Chihuas are the top two purebred dogs found in shelters, according to A.

Is there more mutts in the United States than purebreds?

A. More than half of the dogs in the United States are mutts. A. In 2010, Mars Veterinary conducted the first-ever National Mutt Census. The results revealed breed popularity, which purebreds were the most popular, and how owners care for their dogs. One of the few notable findings was that 53% of the dogs in the United States are of mixed breed.