National New Hampshire Day
Starting the week of Independence Day and ending with Hawaii. We feature a small portion of each states' past, foods, and the people who make up the state. Several states have their own state celebrations. There's so much more to explore that we can't help but celebrate our beautiful country even more.
Quotable quotes
Take a look at one of New Hampshire's most notable naval officers, John Paul Jones, if you've ever wondered where the word "not yet active" stems from.
The state's motto, "Live Free or Die," is the state's motto. John Stark, another pioneer hero, gets the credit for it. He's been named after it. "Live free or die, not the greatest of evils," Stark's full quote says in a written toast in honor of the Battle of Bennington's centennial. His toast summed up the country's contribution to independence, although he was not the first to announce the decision to live free or die.
New Hampshire's past has more than noble quotes. Many firsts are included in the timeline. In 1719, Scotch-Irish settlers brought the first potatoes to North America. In the settlement of Nutfield, now known as Londonderry, the settlers planted them.
He began another all-important ride before Paul Revere's famous ride. Revere rode the 55 miles from Boston to Portsmouth in 1774 to warn the locals of an imminent seizure of Fort William and Mary. Before the British arrived, the village stormed the fort and took responsibility of the ammunition before the British arrived.
Politics and more
New Hampshire became the first state to establish an independent government. The state also wrote the first written constitution.
In 1828, when the Cocheco Manufacturing Company's ownership changed hands, the new owner reduced the wages of only the female textile mill employees. The owners introduced even stricter labor and long days on top of already difficult work and long days. About 400 of the female employees walked out on December 30th, frustrated. It was the country's first all-female strike. Many of the striking workers returned to work at even lower wages after the attack failed, resulting in several of the striking workers returning to work at even lower wages.
The state holds its primaries in the state also before every other state. The country focuses its attention on New Hampshire early in the campaign, particularly during election time. "As New Hampshire goes, the world goes with it," a New Hampshire aide says. "As New Hampshire goes, the world goes."
Every fall, New Hampshire's vibrant colors, renowned for its fall foliage, welcome visitors. Year-round adventure from mountains to the seaside, the state has everything from mountains to the seaside.