National Nurses Day is celebrated annually on May 6th. We raise our hopes and commitments on this day, as well as the important role nurses play in society. This day is also the first day of National Nurses Week and is also known as National RN Recognition Day.
National Nurses Week begins May 6th and concludes on May 12th, which is Florence Nightingale's birthday (May 12, 1820 – August 13, 1910). Florence Nightingale was a celebrated English, socioscientist, statistician, and the mother of modern nursing. During the Crimean War, she became well-known for caring for the wounded soldiers. Because of her habit of making rounds at night, Nightingale was dubbed "The Lady with the Lamp."
How to celebrate #nationalnursesday
Nurses are everywhere. Recognize nurses. Their dedication and dedication to their patients and their field is lauded. Tell someone about the outstanding care you've received from a nurse. Describe it to a friend.
If you visit the hospital or have surgery, follow the instructions, particularly follow up care. Ask questions so they know when they need more details.. They can't read your minds. They can't read your minds.
Give nurses a shout out and thank them for their hard work, especially during these challenging times.
To post on social media, use the hashtag #NationalNursesDay..
The national nurses day celebrations have a long tradition in the United States
Dorothy Sutherland, a United States Department of Health employee, wrote to President Eisenhower in 1953, recommending a National Nurses Day. An official proclamation was not made. An official proclamation was not made. People started celebrating National Nurses Week on their own this year.
President Nixon declared a National Nurse Week in 1974. In 1981, New Mexico nurses introduced a petition calling for Nurses' National Recognition Day on May 6th. The American Nurses Association (ANA) Board of Directors (ANA) took up the banner and promoted the plan. The United States Congress designated May 6th as National Recognition Day for Nurses in 1982, and President Ronald Reagan signed the bill. The ANA Board of Directors later expanded the celebration in 1990 to include a week-long commemoration (May 6-12) in honor of National Nurses Week.
During National Nurses Week, the American Nurses Association (ANA) selects a theme to honor the many services provided by nurses around the country each year. Examples of recent themes include: Examples include:: Examples of past themes include:
Nurses 2000-Nurses: Keeping the Patients in Healthcare: Keeping the Care in Healthcare. Nurses Care for America, 2002 – Nurses Care for America. Nurses in 2003: Lifting Spirits, Touching Lives, Nurses: Lifting Spirits, Touching Lives. Nurses, 2006 – Nurses: Strength, Commitment, Compassion, Compassion. Ethical Practice, 2015 – Ethical Practice. Quality Care is a specialty care service that provides quality care. Nurses in 2018 – Inspire, Innovate, Influence, Influence, Inspire, Innovate, Influence. 4 Million Reasons to Celebrate 2019 – 4 Million Reasons to Celebrate! Nurses: A Voice to Lead in 2020 – Nurses: A Voice to Lead Nurses.