National Raisin Bran Cereal Day
On November 15th, the country's go-to cereals are served in a bowl. Bran Cereal Day is on November 15th. These cereals have long been a staple in many American breakfasts for generations, made from toasted oat or wheat flakes with plump raisins added.
A number of companies have been producing raisin bran cereal since 1925. Those companies include Kellogg's Raisin Bran, General Mills, Total Raisin Bran, U.S. Mills, and Ralcorp's Post Raisin Bran. Bran was one of those firms that included Kellogg's Raisin Bran, Kellogg's Raisin Bran, General Mills, Ralcorp's Post Raisin Bran. However, the first was U.S. Mills. Skinner's Manufacturing Company, headquartered out of Omaha, Nebraska, was the first to Skinner's Raisin Bran in 1925.. Skinner's debuted the first with raisins included, although other bran cereals existed, Skinner's debuted the first with raisins included.
Skinner's exclusive right to the word "raisin bran" for many years, but that didn't discourage others from making their own.. Skinner's Manufacturing Co. had been operating since 1918. They weren't going to let that go without a fight because they were the country's largest macaroni producer. They brought their trademark to court. They brought their mark to court. Skinner's lost on the grounds that the terms "raisin bran" are simply ingredients despite being first and trademarking the name.
How to celebrate #raisinbrancerealday
Enjoy it as a snack or for breakfast since raisin bran is the day's star of the day. If you aren't a huge fan of bran, you can also separate the raisins. Or maybe you aren't a raisin fan. Did you know you can make wine from raisins? It's true. It's true. So, have your bran and wine, as well! Celebrate and post #RaisinBranCerealDay on social media.