National Read A Book Day
On September 6th, National Read a Book Day is celebrated annually. a Book Day is celebrated every year. We all celebrated National Book Lovers Day on August 9th. Although these bookish days may be reminiscent, National Read a Book Day encourages us all to buy a book we will love and spend the day reading.
Don't tell it to yourself. Share your story! Children or grandparents, read aloud to children or grandparents. To your dogs or to your stuffed animals and plants, refer to your pets or to your stuffed animals and plants.
Reading improves memory and focus, as well as reducing stress. Senior adults who read a lot show a slower cognitive decline and are more interested in more physically stimulating activities throughout their lifetime. Books are an inexpensive entertainment, educational device, and time machine, as well.
Featured books
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott – set during the Civil War, Little Women follows the lives of the March family. Loosely based on Alcott's life, she portrayed herself as the Jo March, a natural performer.
Charles Dickens' biography of a teenage boy's life as he strives to become a writer, David Copperfield tells the tale of a young boy's life. The author reminisces about his life from an abusive start and multiple trials.
J.K. Rowling's Deathly Hallows book 7th book in the Harry Potter series brings Harry, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger back to Hogwarts for a final standoff with Voldemort and his Deatheaters..
In San Francisco, Jean Craighead George's story of nine-year-old Miyax and her transformation from an Inuit culture to an American one.
Wilson Rawls' Where the Red Fern Grows – Wilson Rawls' favorite book in the Ozarks, this classic tale tells of a boy and his dog's friendship.
Jason Reynolds' As Brave As You – A young boy learns from his mistakes and the imperfections of the people he loves during a summer visit with grandparents..
How to recognize read a book day
Sit back, relax, and read a book. Celebrate with your favorite books whether you want to step into the world of fiction or learn something new. Visit the library or the local book store to start visiting the library. Pick up a new book or read an old favorite. Or dive into the depths of fantastic poetry in history books and memoirs. Read aloud to a child or buy them a new book. Using #ReadABookDay to post on social media, post the articles you're reading using #ReadABookDay to post on social media.
A book day is a national read a book day in the United States. a book day in history a book day in the United States
National Read A Book Day was unable to establish the source of National Read A Book Day's origins.