National Save Your Hearing Day
National Save Your Hearing Day celebrates the importance of safeguarding our hearing each May 31st. It's important to take some time to learn how to safeguard your hearing and the health of your family.. Our hearing is vital, and there are ways that hearing loss can be avoided.
Hearing loss can result for a variety of reasons, some of which include: Hearing loss can be the cause.
- Age
- Noise
- Genetic
- Illness
- Neurological Disorders - Neurological Disorders - Neurological Disorders
- Medications
- Chemicals
- Physical Trauma
- Neurobiological Factors: Neurobiological Factors (NIB) Neurobiological Factors
Hearing loss and deafness, according to the government, are preventable. Many common, preventative measures include immunization against rubella to reduce congenital infections, immunization against H. influenza and S. pneumonia to reduce middle ear infections, and avoiding or protecting against excessive noise exposure.
www.betterhearing.org/ For more details, visit https://www.betterhearing.org/ For more details, click here. www.betterhearing.org/
Always be alert to dangerous noise and wear appropriate hearing protection when needed.
Save your hearing day by knowing how to celebrate save your hearing day
Learn more about how to shield your hearing. Schedule a hearing evaluation with your primary care physician if you suspect your hearing has decreased. From there, your doctor will refer you to audiologist if further investigation is required. Your primary care physician can also advise you on how to properly clean and care of your ears and what type of cover you should be using.
On May 31st, some hearing and audiology theaters may have free screenings. Check local for opportunities near you.
To post on social media, use the hashtag #SaveYourHearingDay..