Mon Aug 7th

National Sea Serpent Day

Have you ever looked out over the water and thought you saw a magnificent creature break the surface? Many men aboard the HMS Daedalus in August 1848 couldn't believe their eyes when they gazed out onto the South Atlantic, as they looked out on the South Atlantic. Several passengers and officers on a cruise to Saint Helena spied a 60-foot-long creature with a peculiar maned head above the ocean water. This siting and several other tales that are still being told are commemorated on National Sea Serpent Day..

Serpent sightings are a matter of myth and legend. We may also refer to them as sirens of the sea. Cetus, the Greek mythology's sea creature, was named in Greek mythology. The Kraken were discussed by the Vikings. Even the names for the serpents that live in the watery depths of our nation's major lakes and waterways have been given. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service sponsored One sea serpent for a time. Chessie, a resident of Chesapeake Bay, reminds us of another legendary creature named Nessie of Loch Ness in Scotland. Chessie isn't the only creature to remind us of Loch Ness. Pressie and Bessie, two Great Lake monsters, take on the names Pressie and Bessie.

Many sightings are attributed to large water animals such as whales, sharks, and sea lions. Sea serpents are believed to be relict plesiosaurs, mosasaurs, or other Mesozoic marine reptiles, according to cryptozoologists.

How to celebrate #nationalseaserpentday

  • Learn about sea serpent legends
  • Describe your personal sea serpent sighting.
  • When sailing the ocean or a large body of water, look for sea serpents
  • To post on social media, use #NationalSeaSerpentDay to tweet