National Shower With A Friend Day
A tongue-in-cheek way of informing people about the benefits of filtering, chlorine-free water on National Shower with a Friend Day on February 5th is to educate them about the benefits of filter-filtered, chlorine-free water.
Winter is the year's coldest and loneliest season.. People are often left feeling ill and somber as a result of dwindling daylight and Valentine's Day at its center. The day brings a bit of humor into the season while still educating people on the benefits of showering in fresh, filtered water (and chlorine's effects).
Learn more about how chlorine is harmful to shower or bathe in or out.
With a friend, you can track #showerwithafriendday
Filtered water in the shower. Learn more about chlorine's damaging effects and how to remove it from your computer. To post on social media, use the hashtag #ShowerWithAFriendDay.
A national shower with a friend day celebration in a friend day tradition has a long tradition
In 2014, New Wave Enviro, a Denver, Colorado-based company, filed the day on the day.