National Tattoo Day | July 17
Mon Jul 17th

National Tattoo Day

The history, culture, and artists dedicated to permanently ink etching ink on the skin are all highlighted on National Tattoo Day on July 17th. The day may not be the one to get the ink you've been looking for.


Humans designing their bodies with permanent designs have existed for thousands of years. Humans have been marking their bodies with permanent designs for thousands of years.. Several types of religious and status symbols are found in Egyptian and ice mummies.

The word "tattoo" is derived from the Polynesian word for tatau, which means "to tap or to mark." Tattooing traditions around the world vary, and some have remained unchanged for a long time.. Sailors in the United States brought tattooing from their island explorers to coastal shores.

As technology and acceptance increase, getting inked continues to grow. Although age, gender, race, confession, and class once distinguished the tattooed from the non-tattooed, those barriers are less prevalent than they used to be.. The reasons for why we go under the needle differ, as well. A tattoo can represent a significant event or have a strong sense of meaning. However, some people get tattoos on a whim. Nonetheless, some admit that the desire for a new tattoo is an addiction.

As the art form expands, consider a few things before getting a tattoo: considering a few things before getting a tattoo is advisable.

Getting a tattoo

  • Find a reputable artist by doing research and finding a reputable artist. Remember, this art is permanent.. You will want a polished finished piece with no regerts, i.e. no regrets
  • Be sure you have a plan in mind before finding an artist. If you aren't an artist, taking an idea from your head and making it a reality will take time to develop
  • Check spelling. Check spelling. Fact check. Research the meaning and check the spelling if you use a foreign word or a quote in your layout. If you use a foreign word or a quote in your layout. The same applies to symbols. Just because a website translated a word or said symbol that represented peace or love in a particular culture does not mean it's true. And it is not the artist's responsibility to know either. Often the style means something entirely different to the client
  • Be prepared to be placed on a waiting list. Be sure to be put on a waiting list. Good artists are in high demand.
  • Good art will cost you more. Good art will sell for more. Nobody likes a lousy tattoo

On the day of your visit, the day of your appointment will be announced

  • Clear your day, especially if you're getting a large tattoo. Whether you're getting a large tattoo
  • On time, you will arrive.. Most musicians charge by the hour, and any change throws their entire day off.. Good art can't be rushed
  • Dress comfortably. For lengthy stretches of time, you will be sitting or lying in a predetermined position
  • Try something. A protein bar won't make you feel full, but it will keep you alert and satisfied throughout the session
  • Bring water and stay hydrated
  • When the session is over, tip your artists

How to celebrate national tattoo day

Take the time to thank your tattoo artist. Is there a new style? Is there one? The day to reveal your creation is July 17th. On social media, use the hashtag #NationalTattooDay to post.