National Techies Day | October 3
Tue Oct 3rd

National Techies Day

On October 3rd, National Techies Day encourages students to consider a career in electronics. With so many opportunities in the growing technology industry, students interested in a career in technology will find promising options everywhere they look.


Engine Advocacy in 2012 obtained a study by the Bay Area Council Economic Institute in California, which was published in California. According to the survey, four more jobs are established for every high-tech occupation.. That's a lot of economic growth created by one industry.

The technology industry will continue to expand by 2030, while other occupation sectors will decline. Although the future of work shifts, one thing remains constant – technology. Healthcare technologies will continue to grow by nearly 50%. Healthcare services will continue to grow by nearly 50%. While research is on the rise, surgeons and medicine take advanced technologies to a whole new level. They need software experts to maintain the machines and educate the medical staff, which is why they need it.

Every day, manufacturing advances technology, beyond medical technology, and manufacturing advances technology. When considering the future of the car industry alone, specialized technology keeps up the demand for qualified professionals.

Every day, software development continues to grow. However, we can't ignore our future needs if we investigate technology's effect on manufacturing, defense, and global environmental solutions. The students in the classroom will be the future's educated, well-equipped technology-savvy employees. We need them to be.

Take note that National Techies Day falls on National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Those days are listed on the calendar. Our electronics are safe and secured, according to Techies. Our equipment are encrypted and safe. They develop the applications and help us with our computers, smart phones, and other things. If you don't shield your computers, find a techie today!

How to celebrate national techies day in the United States

Several ways to commemorate National Techies Day are on display. Consider these ways to participate in the festivities beyond thanking all the techies you know.

  • At a high school, Host is the host of a work fair
  • Share your experiences with technology. A student is encouraged to learn more by Inspire a student to learn more
  • Where a spark exists, encourage an interest in technology.
  • Learn more about the world's new emerging technologies. Learn more about the latest breakthrough technologies that are changing the world

To post on social media, use the hashtag #NationalTechiesDay.

History of national techies day has influenced national techies day and CNT Networks announced National Techies Day in America, in response to a growing demand for workers with advanced technical skills in America. Nearly 60% of new jobs were projected to require advanced technical skills that Americans didn't have in 1999. The day and the years are encouraging children to embrace computer science and even the monikers that are often associated with modern technology.