National WebMistress Day | August 26
Sat Aug 26th

National Webmistress Day

On August 26th, National WebMistress Day honors women in web design..


A WebMistress is a woman who designs, develops, markets, and maintains websites. A WebMistress is a woman who creates, develops, markets, and maintains websites. Since the mid-1990s, the term has existed. The word officially entered technology's lexicon in June of 1995.. Kat Valentine bought the domain name last month. Valentine then started web design under the job title WebMistress, moving the word a step forward. According to various classified ads, comparable to earlier, the term WebMaster appeared on the scene as early as 1986.

Thousands of women now work under the job title WebMistress. More than 20 years ago, the word still raises eyebrows. However, WebMistress has earned a reputation not only on the résumé, but it is also a legitimate business occupation in the corporate world. Take the time to acknowledge the women in web development to highlight the career title in the industry and shake the stigma associated with the word..

How to track national webmistress day is a mystery that is beyond comprehension

Share your web design experiences. If you're at it, give a shout-out to an outstanding WebMistress you know.

To show that you are a woman web designer, use #nationalWEBMISTRESSday on social media.. Also, use the hashtag to express pride in being under the name WebMistress. For more details, visit for more details.

The national webmistress day is the longest in national webmistress day history

In June of 2016, Kat Valentine founded National WebMistress Day to promote women in web design. In addition, the day honors the work's legitimacy..

Faq of webmaster faq webmaster FAQ

Q. What kind of degrees are available for web design?

A. Schools offer certificates and degrees for those interested in being a website programmer. Traditional and online schools can offer certificates in particular fields, associate and master degree programs, as well as associate and master degree programs.