National Whistleblower Day
On July 30th, the day our Founding Fathers understood the importance of shielding those who witness misconduct when they see it. National Whistleblowers Day is a celebration. The day reminds us to honor and assist those who speak out against fraud, misappropriation, or waste.
A whistleblower is a person who reports suspicious conduct. These activities may include offences, exploitation, misrepresentations, or other infractions. The activity may be within or outside an organization, whether public or private. Notably, the history of whistleblowers is long and often unsuccessful. Although new legislation now shields whistleblowers from retaliation by their employers (see Gravitt below), whistleblowers nevertheless carry a heavy burden. Usually, court fights follow after they have filed a report.
The day honors events that were put into motion by Lieutenant Richard Marven and midshipman Samuel Shaw in 1777. The event was held in 1777. Marven and Shaw served in the Continental Navy, considered the first whistleblowers in the United States, and considereded the first whistleblowers in the United States, Marven and Shaw served in the Continental Navy. Commodore Esek Hopkins reported assaults against British prisoners. The two men, as well as eight other sailors, reported assaults against British prisoners. As a result of the sailors' reports, the Continental Congress passed the world's first bill shielding whistleblowers.
Mark Felt, one of the United States government's most prominent whistleblowers, was one of the most prominent whistleblowers. He was instrumental in assisting Washington Post reporters Bob Woodard and Carl Bernstein in exposing the Watergate affair for years as Deep Throat.. They investigated wiretapping and stealing related to President Richard Nixon's reelection bid from 1972 to 1974.
Notable whistleblowers include notable whistleblowers, as well as notable whistleblowers.
However, the government is not the only place these crimes take place in. whistleblowers monitor activity to help prevent it from happening in banking and big industry to non-profits. From banking and big industry to non-profits, whistleblowers track activity in order to prevent it from happening. Special events, such as the National Whistleblower Center, are held on the day by several organizations. Some of the more notable whistleblowers include::: The following are other notable whistleblowers:::
- 1932 – Public Health Service – Peter Buxtun – 1932 – 1932 – 1932 – 1932 – Public Health Service – The Public Health Service and the Tuskegee Institute commissioned a report that became known as the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, which was published as the Tuskegee Experiment. The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was conducted by the Tuskegee Experiment. Buxtun, and others, expressed doubt about the study after it was revealed that men in the study were not offered medicine when penicillin became widely available
- Frank Serpico – 1967 – New York Police Department – Serpico blew the whistle on corruption in the New York Police Department as a New York police detective. His report sparked an investigation by the Knapp Commission, which has shaken the entire department
- General Electric – 1970s – John Michael Gravitt – 1970s – General Electric – GE was contracted by the US government during the B-1 Bomber's construction. Gravitt, a GE foreman for GE, filed a lawsuit with the government stating that GE paid for work on the B-1 Bomber. GE had been focusing on other initiatives rather than GE's. Gravitt was fired by GE soon after he had submitted the report. His work loss resulted in a lawsuit and eventually legislation, making it easier for employees to file claims.
Anyone in the private sector, local or federal government, may file a lawsuit. Consumers, taxpayers, and the general public are all protected by their report, whether they find suspicious activity causing fraud, abuse, or waste.
How to Observe National Whistelblower Day?
Find out more about those who report fraud, waste, and abuse. They also discovered the safeguards that were in place for them. Review your company or organization's ethics policies. Read about or watch documentaries on the subject of whistleblowers.. We found a few things for you to read: We found a few for you to try:
- Silenced directed by James Spione. Silenced directed by James Spione
- Crisis of Conscience by Tom Mueller. Conscience in Conscience by Tom Mueller
- Tarek F. Maassarani and Tom Devine, A Handbook for Committing the Truth by Tarek F. Maassarani and Tom Devine The Corporate Whistleblower's Survival Guide: A Handbook for Committing the Truth by Tarek F. Maassarani and Tom Devine The Corporate Whistleblower's Survival Guide: A Handbook for Committing the Truth
To post on social media, use the hashtag #NationalWhistleblowerDay..
The national whistleblower day's history is the longest in national whistleblower day history
The Continental Congress passed a historic and unanimous resolution on July 30th, 1778, the day the Continental Congress passed a landmark and unanimous resolution. The resolution was presented to ten sailors and marines who spoke out against their commander's mistreatment of their office by their commander. "To give the first notice to Congress or other appropriate authority of any misconduct, fraud, or misdemeanors," the Founding Fathers said in doing so. It is an American necessity to report misconduct when they suspect it in modern terms. In 2013, the United States Senate first recognized National Whistleblower Day. In 2013, the United States Senate first recognized National Whistleblower Day.