Never Bean Better Day
The day has come for a Never Bean Better Day to experience your canine companion's unconditional love. The day casts away the worries and promotes excitement for life, just like our ever-joyful pets.
Both the spirit of generosity and the sharing of life's joys are encouraged by the celebration. Go out into the world with your family pet and plant the bean of love wherever you go.. Share it generously, as dogs do when they take care of us when we are sick or sick. We're sick or down. We're given all of their affection with abandon in the form of licks and snuggles. We often have tricks and antics that only canines know how to do. They may also perform their own love song or woo woo woo. Every day should be a Never Bean Better Day to display all the love your dog stores have earned.
How to celebrate never bean better day on a never bean better day.
The Bean wuv is a special edition of the Bean wuv. Like Bean, a very special therapy dog, does every day in bringing peace and joy to so many people through his physical and virtual presence. Help someone by posting your time, talent, or treasure, or just by making someone's day by encouraging them to participate... human or canine.
Never Bean Better Follow Bean's tail on Facebook at Never Bean Better @neverbeanbetterwoo, Instagram, and Twitter. Be sure to share your never bean better times on social media by using the hashtags #NeverBeanBetterDay and @neverbeanbetter to highlight your never bean better times on social media.. Get out and have some fun! Make every day a Never Bean Better day!!
Never bean better day in history. Never bean better day in history
To human lives, Never Bean Better Day was founded by the Drager Group, Inc. to highlight the unconditional love dogs bring to human lives. Bean, a special therapy dog who eagerly spreads his Bean wuv everywhere he goes, is commemorated in this observance. Bean helps those who need it the most. Bean and his many abilities, canine and not so canine are among Bean's many talents, canine and not so canine on NeverBeanBetter.com to learn more about him.