October 1th is International Coffee, International Raccoon Appreciation, National Black Dog, National Fire Pup, National Green City and more!

International Coffee Day

Every year on October 1st, International Coffee Day honors one of the world's most popular beverages.. It's also a day to promote fair trade coffee and raise concerns about the coffee growers' plight..

International Raccoon Appreciation Day

People are encouraged to learn more about raccoons and show appreciation for them every year on October 1st. Every year on October 1st, International Raccoon Appreciation Day encourages people to learn more about them and show their appreciation for them. People are also encouraged to protect the raccoon's natural habitat.

National Black Dog Day

On October 1st, the adoption of a dog in the darker tones is encouraged. Unfortunately, black dogs are less likely to be adopted for no other reason than their coloring. The phenomenon persists regardless of behavior, height, breeding, personality, or age.

National Fire Pup Day

On October 1st, the canine firefighters who have long been members of fire departments around the country are recognized.

National Green City Day

We celebrate National Green City Day on October 1st to highlight the changes and innovations that cities are making to become more sustainable.

National Hair Day

National Hair Day honors all the styles, products, accessories, and people who maintain our hair's hair healthy and looking its best on October 1st.

National Homemade Cookies Day

Every year on October 1, National Homemade Cookies Day is celebrated. Look no further if you are looking for a reason to bake some homemade cookies. They're ready to be delivered and shared with neighbors, coworkers, and family members.

National Pumpkin Spice Day

What does cinnamon, ginger, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, and October 1 have in common? They are all part of National Pumpkin Spice Day.

World Vegetarian Day

World Vegetarian Day is October 1st. Vegetarian Awareness Month is the start of the day. The World Vegetarian Day was established in order to promote education and information about vegetarian diets.