October 16th is Department Store, Global Cat, National Boss’s, National Dictionary, National Liqueur and more!

Department Store Day

On October 16th Department Store Day, the Department Store Day encourages us to consider how department store innovations have impacted shopping in our daily lives.

Global Cat Day

The Global Cat Day, which takes place on October 16th, raises concerns about non-lethal feline services around the world. More than any other shelter animal, cats, and kittens face euthanization at a much faster rate. However, cat welfare services such as trap, neuter, and release (TNR) are making it possible for cats to live full and healthy lives right in our communities.

National Boss’s Day

On October 16th, National Boss' Day, also known as National Boss Day or Bosses Day, honors the hardworking boss in charge of the office. Employees from all around the country express admiration and gratitude to their bosses. They remember their boss's kindness and fairness throughout the year. (If the 16th of October falls on a weekend, this day is celebrated on the nearest working day))

National Dictionary Day

The National Dictionary Day on October 16th is the official holiday in the United States, as it honors Noah Webster's birthday.

National Liqueur Day

On October 16th annually commemorates the myriad classes and flavors of liqueur.

National Sports Day

National Sports Day takes place in October. That's why, on October 16th, fans, families, and athletes of all sports assemble to celebrate their favorite sporting events. Any branch of a sport can be classified, from the youngest to the senior professional.

World Food Day

Every year on October 16th, World Food Day is held. More than 150 nations band together on this day to raise concerns of poverty and hunger.

World Menopause Day

World Menopause Day, October 18th, raises the profile of menopause and for menopausal women, as well as the many services available to improve their health and wellbeing.

World Restart A Heart Day

World Restart a Heart Day, October 16th, raises the possibility that anyone can learn CPR and other basic life-saving tips. The day also honors the number of lives saved by CPR each year.

World Spine Day

On October 16th, World Spine Day celebrates spine health.. Back pain, diagnosis, and treatment of back pain and other spine disorders are also on the day's agenda.